Artificially Sweetened Soda Can Increase Risk Of Stroke And Dementia

Drinking artificially sweetened soda and drinks have many health risks including stroke and dementia. In a study published in the journal Stroke and Alzheimer’s & Dementia, researchers linked the consumption of sodas to the increased risk of dementia and stroke.

The Validity Of The Study On Artificially Sweetened Soda

The long-term observation study involved 2,888 people who provided data since the survey started in 1971.  The researchers found out that those who drank at least one can of diet soda daily are three times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or suffer from an ischemic stroke.

Although the statistics suggest the possible link, many experts still caution people who interpret the results of the study. They noted that while there is an association between soda drinking and such diseases, it does not mean that drinking can cause these conditions to develop.

Other Factors That Can Increase The Risk For Stroke And Alzheimer’s

Some critics have highlighted several flaws in the study citing that if factors such as weight, genes, and diabetes were taken into account, the association with stroke and dementia would disappear. The thing is that defects in the genes, obesity, and diabetes are more likely causes of stroke and dementia than drinking a can of diet soda.  So why arrive at such a correlation? Critics point out that it is probable that the people involved in the study are already suffering from ill health such as diabetes. These patients are more likely to opt for zero-calorie drinks thus influencing the result of the survey.

Experts still suggest that drinking fizzy drinks should be in moderation as drinking too much is attributed to weight gain–a more plausible cause for stroke and Alzheimer’s.

Is It Safe?

Studies involving the harmful effects of soda on health hurt the beverage industry all over the world. In response to the bad publicity, the American Beverage Association issued a statement regarding the safety status of artificial sweeteners as highlighted by international organizations like the World Health Organization, US Food and Drug Administration, and the European Food Safety Authority. Beverage companies claim that the amount of artificial sweetener or any sweeteners for that matter that they use on their products do not go beyond the established limit set by these agencies.

But whether artificially sweetened drinks has some health risks or not, the sales have still declined as consumers are looking for healthier alternatives such as low-calorie and naturally sweetened drinks as well as bottled water.  Surprisingly, the sales of bottled water overtook the sales of fizzy drinks in the United States last year making bottled water the largest beverage category regarding volume consumed per capita.

Another reason why the sales of the sugary drinks industry have declined is the taxes imposed on them discouraged people from buying them. Last year, sales decreased by 21% due to higher tax rates. So regardless of the result of the study linking soda with stroke and Alzheimer’s disease, the industry is struggling with selling a product does have some adverse effects on your health.

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Over 50% Of Canadians Believe Healthy Eating Improves Well Being

Most consumers all over the world are becoming more conscious about their health and overall well-being. In a market study conducted by research company Mintel, 63% of Canadian consumers believe that what they eat has significant influence over their emotional and physical health. As a result, 45% of consumers are interested in trying out different foods that are marketed for their health benefits. The sales of superfood items like quinoa, spirulina, kale and chia seeds have grown by 35% since last year.

According to Mintel’s Senior Lifestyles and Leisure Analyst, Carol Wong-Li, many Canadians are becoming proactive in looking for ways to maintain good physical and mental well-being. This also gives opportunities to marketers who develop products that convey wellness and overall well-being.

The Statistics Of Healthy Eating

The eating habits of Canadians have changed over the years. In today’s food culture, 49% of Canadian consumers feel guilty after eating unhealthy foods. The Mintel research also noted that the motivation of Canadians to eat healthy stems from guilt especially among women under the age of 55 and mothers, which account for 59% and 60%, respectively.

The research revealed that many Canadian consumers are more mindful of their eating habits and that 76% of the respondents claim to follow healthy eating strictly or most of the time. However, some of the respondents believe that they should also indulge once in a while such that 41% believe that allowing a cheat day once in a blue moon is a good way to motivate healthy eating habits.

Obstacles To Maintaining Healthy Eating Habits

Although there is an increasing trend of healthy eating among Canadians, most of the respondents claim that it’s hard to maintain healthy eating habits because of their busy lifestyles. Some of the interviewees are misinformed when it comes to making healthy choices as such 40% find it difficult to discern which foods are healthy and which ones to avoid.

These are the reasons why health claims on the packages are paramount as 27% of the respondents look at the label and are likely to buy a particular product if it comes with health claims. This has pushed many food manufacturers to include health claims on their packages as well as use all-natural ingredients in making their products.

Possible Solution

While eating healthy is a popular trend among Canadian consumers, there are still obstacles and challenges that prevent them from eating healthy.  Carol Wong-Li added that as much as the respondents would like to eat healthily, they fall back to their old eating habits because it takes too much to time to prepare healthy foods. This problem is now being addressed by many food manufacturers in Canada as they think of ways to create processed foods that are healthy to meet the demands and needs of busy and health-conscious Canadian consumers.

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Video: Best Sources Of Plant Proteins And Why You Need To Eat Them

People have a good relationship with meat. This is the reason why animal protein consumption has risen immensely compared to 50 years ago. But because animal protein has been linked to various diseases, there is an increase in the number of consumers who opt to consume plant-based proteins.

The Benefits Of Consuming  Plant Proteins

In research conducted at Harvard University, people who consume plant proteins have a better metabolism than those who consume just animal proteins. This led people to have a lowered risk of developing obesity. In fact, increasing your consumption of plant proteins is associated with as low as 10% risk of premature death.

Unlike animal proteins, plant proteins do not come with added nitrites and nitrates. This is particularly the case for processed meat. Opting for organic plant proteins that are chemical-free, helps reduce inflammation in the body.

Another reason why it is crucial to consume more plant protein is that they contain a lot of fiber.  Plant sources of protein are namely chickpeas, legume, lentils, grains, and beans. These contain a lot of fiber that can help keep the digestive system functioning optimally. Shifting towards plant protein is good because studies have noted that an average Western diet is deficient in natural fiber. Fiber is also necessary because it serves as fuel for the good bacteria living in your gut.

But aside from fiber, plant proteins also contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals like folate, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. They are also cholesterol-free making them good for the heart.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of eating plant protein is that it is very affordable. If you buy animal protein, it typically costs two to three times as much as plant sources of proteins. Lastly, it is also good for the environment as the carbon footprint in maki a plant-based protein is less compared to growing animal meat.


How To Eat Plant-Based Proteins And The Best Sources

Eating plant proteins can be fun. Unfortunately, some people do not eat them because they do not know how to prepare them. One of the most effective way to prepare plant protein is to sprout them especially if you have beans. Sprouted legumes have benefits as they increase the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. Another way of preparing plant protein is to take them in powder form. However, make sure that you avoid powdered plant proteins that contain additives and artificial sweeteners.

If you are planning on introducing more plant-based proteins to your diet, then there are good sources of plant proteins that you can choose from. You can get your daily protein needs by eating at least a cup of black beans, chickpeas, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, edamame, lentils, pumpkin seeds, lima beans, green peas, spinach, brown rice, kale, quinoa, and Brussels sprouts. Other sources of plant proteins can come from all types of leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Consuming plant-based protein has a lot of benefits not only to your health but also to the environment. Make sure that you incorporate them in your diet as often as you can.

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Healthy Snack Bars Driving Category Sales

The healthy snack bar category grew by 2.08% from 2016 to 2017. This equated to $6 billion of sales in all snack bar categories. The growth of the snack bar industry is attributed to manufacturers offering a broad range of products to cater to the needs of different consumers.

According to culinary scientist Kyle Stuart, snack bars that feature all-natural ingredients are becoming too generic, and they fail to differentiate with customers these days. Consumers no longer want labels saying “all-natural” on their products. They want more specifications, so niche differentiation is a dominating trend in the snack bar market right now. This is the reason why snack bars are categorized depending on their purpose – energy provision, weight loss, meal replacement, snack, and so on.

Niche Differentiation Is Evident In The Snack Bar Industry

Niche differentiation of snack bars has resulted in category differentiation. There are now snack bars intended for daytime and evening consumption as well as those formulated with diet restrictions such as gluten-free, vegan, paleo, sugar-free, and much more.

The reason for niche differentiation is attributed to the growing needs of different consumers. For instance, some consumers buy a particular brand of snack bar because they opt for clean-label offerings while others buy because the ingredients used are simple and better for them.

Clean labeling is an important trend in the snack bar industry as many consumers value transparency. According to Carol Lowry, a senior food scientist at Cargill, product transparency is one of the biggest challenges food manufacturers, in general, are facing today. How can companies innovate while still using simple ingredients? It is something that’s hard to do especially if companies are after mass producing products that have longer shelf-lives.

Food Companies Are Starting To Innovate

Although challenging, this has presented an avenue for food manufacturers to explore and discover interesting combinations. For instance, the National Honey Board is now using natural sweeteners such as honey to make their breakfast biscuits and other products. Lowry and Cargill are looking into the use of vegetables and spices to provide savory flavors on their products instead of using artificial ingredients.

Food manufacturers are also looking into fortifying their products by using plant-based proteins sourced from beans, lentils, soy, nuts and many others. Food manufacturers see the need to incorporate such ingredients to their products to improve the nutrition profile and value of their snack bars.

And since it has been a long-standing issue that using clean ingredients produces products with lower shelf-life, food manufacturers are now using natural antioxidants like tocopherols instead of artificial preservatives to extend the shelf life of their products.

The Future Of The Snack Bar Category

The production of different kinds of snack bars has led to increased category innovation. While innovation involving the nutrition profile is the primary trend today, food scientists explain that there will be more changes in the future to improve the selling point of snack bars. Such innovations will tackle the texture and calorie count of products. Until then, consumers have a lot of things to look forward to when it comes to the snack bar industry.

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Eating More Plant Proteins Can Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes

Plant protein benefits are currently widely studied and acknowledged by doctors, scientists, and nutritionists. Plant-based food manufacturers are developing different products to provide many options not only for vegans and vegetarians but also for new flexitarians.

Researchers have noted that many people eat too much meat and not enough vegetables and fruits. The National Institute of Health issued a guideline for physicians to recommend to their patients to eat plant-based proteins as an alternative to animal protein and as an effective way to reduce the risk for high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, high BMI, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

The Study On Type 2 Diabetes And Eating Plant Proteins

Latest studies reveal that consuming less animal meat, particularly processed meat and replacing it with nuts, whole grains, and other plant-based sources can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.  In fact, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition noted that eating even a hundred grams of unprocessed meat every day can increase the likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes by as much as 19% while consumption of processed meats was linked to a 51% risk.

The long-term study involved 2,332 Finnish men between the age 42 and 60 years old. The respondents were examined according to their protein intake and their risk for type 2 diabetes. The study found out that replacing 15 of calories from animal protein with the same amount of plant protein can decrease the possibility of type 2 diabetes by as much as 18%.


The Shift From Animal To Plant-Based Proteins

New research concerning the harmful effects of red meat on health has pushed many consumers to eat healthily. In fact, the consumption of red meat in the United States fell by 33% since 1970 to about 101 lbs. per individual per year while the number of vegetarians has remained stable at 3%. Meanwhile, the number of vegetarian products has doubled over the past decade.

Studies about the health benefits of plant-based diets have encouraged some meat eaters to incorporate more plant proteins in their meals. This has also led to many food companies like Tyson to invest in companies like Beyond Meat.

While it pays to be a vegetarian, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics noted that not all vegetarians are equal. For instance, vegetarians who consume eggs and dairy can get their daily dose of healthy protein while vegans need to eat a broad range of grains, nuts, and beans to supplement their protein needs.

More and more people are encouraged to eat plant proteins, and food manufacturers can play a paramount role as they fill this particular niche.

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More Than 82% of Americans Bought Organic Food in 2016

Organic food has become more popular over recent years. In fact, more than 82% of American consumers have bought certified organic foods since last year, and the growth is increasing by 3.4% each year.

According to the survey conducted by the Nielsen company and released by the Organic Trade Association (OTA), more than 100,000 households indicated that they had bought organic foods recently. Out of these families, 14.2% of the respondents hail from North Dakota followed by Rhode Island at 12.3%.

organic food nielsen america

There is a growing trend when it comes to the consumption of organic foods. In fact, according to the OTA, the sales of organic produce rose to a record $43.3 billion in 2015 with an estimated growth of 11% annually. This increase has led to the proposal of different research and promotion of more organic products.

In fact, the USDA released a plan to create an industry-funded program called the check-off program that would certify many agricultural products as organic. This program imposes a small fee on each sale made by the producers. The funds generated can be used for research and promotion of organic products.

The Popularity Of  Organic Food

So why are people opting for organic foods? The reason why 60% of American consumers opt for organic foods is for health reasons.  One of the biggest shares of the organic market is organic milk as more and more people are concerned about getting bovine growth hormones from milk obtained from conventional dairy farming practices. Aside from milk, the sale of organic baby food is also increasing.

But what does it take for a product to be considered organic? Aside from being grown in organic means, organic products should also be made without the use of chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, and hormones.  They should also not contain any preservatives.

The Future Of Organic Foods

While the organic food market is increasing, it still occupies a small segment of the food industry. In fact, it only consumes 2% of the pie in the entire food industry.  Speaking on the future of organic food, even large-scale supermarket chains like Safeway and Target are now providing organic food offerings to their customers.

Aside from supermarket chains supplying organic foods to consumers, there are also many large-scale organic farms in the country. The advantage of such a large agricultural setting is that it tends to decrease the price of organic products as well as improve distribution to consumers. Aside from the benefits for customers, large-scale farmers earn competitive returns from their products.

There is indeed an increasing demand for organic products in the United States, but the market is lagging behind European countries where all supermarkets carry organic brands. Although this may be the case, the United States is off to a good start.

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Kale: The Most Popular Ingredient In Your Pantry

Many types of superfoods are available for consumers and kale is one of them. Kale is considered as the hottest superfood over the past few years.

You can find it in your baby food, vitamins, supplements, and tons of new clean label food and beverage products. The popularity of the green plant has even gone past food. For example, even some nail polish brands are infused with kale essence to strengthen nails supposedly.

Kale-Infused Products Show Increase In Sales

According to a market analysis conducted by Nielsen for MarketWatch, kale is being infused into snacks, pasta sauce, sausages, and even pet food. You can also find it in your favorite desserts like frozen yogurt and even cakes. The sales of kale-infused vitamins and supplements, for instance, grew by as much as 125% over the last year.

kale marketwatch nielsen study products superfood

While kale-infused products are very popular, consumers should not be too swayed. For example, many companies add a small amount of kale in their products even if they are obviously junk foods to look like they are healthy. Unfortunately, kale is used as a marketing ploy to give unhealthy food a health halo.

Marketers Using It To Their Full Advantage

It is not only junk foods that use the green plant as a marketing ploy. Many supplements appear to use kale as ornaments in marketing their products. Kale powders, for example, encourage people to get kale in powder form thus defeating the purpose of eating the real thing.

The idea of taking it in powder or pill form might be enticing to people who are not a big fan of this leafy green. However, they are devoid of fiber resulting in a lot of missing nutrition.

Should You Eat The Real Thing Or Not?

According to Kristin Kirkpatrick from the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, the addition of kale in food products does not mean that you are getting a full serving of this leafy green. Most of these kale-infused products are often processed with a lot of oil, salt, and sugar to make them taste better than the unadulterated ones.

In conclusion, the best way to get your fix of this superfood is to eat the green vegetable itself. While kale-infused products are an excellent way to slightly supplement your daily needs, they are not enough to meet your daily requirements. Prepare kale in salads, stir-fry, and slaws to get the most out of it.

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62% of Americans Drink At least One Cup of Coffee Per Day

The consumption of coffee in the US for 2015 was 132.3 million pounds. That amount placed the US as one of the top eight countries regarding coffee-drinking. The coffee industry in the United States is stable albeit some weak sales in the past.

One Cup a Day

In a recent survey conducted by the National Coffee Association (NCA) the USA, there is an increasing number of Americans who reach for at least one cup of coffee each day. Chief Executive of CNA, Bill Murray, noted that there is a steady growth for gourmet coffee varieties and this trend has pushed more coffee places to open to cater to the needs of people.

More than 3,000 people participated in the survey. The study revealed that 62% of the respondents noted that they drunk coffee the day before they took the questionnaire. This was interpreted as their daily consumption. The study also pointed out that 37% of the respondents between the age of 13 and 18 years old drank at least one cup a day while 64% of respondents between the age 40 and 59 did.

Gourmet Coffee Varieties Leading Growth

There is also an increasing trend of drinking gourmet coffee varieties. In fact, 24% of the participants noted that they prefer to drink espresso-based coffee more than ever. While the survey pointed out that there is an increasing number of Americans who drink coffee every day, the frequency of coffee drinking has reduced as more and more prefer only to consume a single cup daily and nothing more.

The trend of drinking a single cup of coffee has alarmed those in the coffee industry as this can affect their total sales. In fact, an average American coffee drinker now drinks 1 cup daily compared to three cups of coffee a few years back. One of the biggest culprits of this trend is the popularity of single-cup brewers like Keurig. In fact, there is a rising number of respondents (about 33%) who own their very own single-cup brewers.

The shift towards single-serve coffee means that people are brewing only what they want to drink for the day. Before, people would brew a pot of coffee using their traditional coffee maker. With the popularity of single-cup brewers, they brew only one cup. This trend has affected the coffee industry. For instance, Reuters reported that in February of this year (2017), many American consumers are purchasing less coffee. But the same report also noted that there was an increase in the sales of single-serve brewers.

Coffee Sales Still Healthy

Although the consumption of coffee has reduced regarding volume, the sales of coffee have remained high. Americans spent $11.9 billion on coffee in 2014, and this increased to $13.6 billion last year. The main reason for this is that roasters often charge a lot of money for single-serve coffee makers.

There is an irony when it comes to drinking coffee as the number of drinkers has increased while the frequency has declined. Although this may be the case, the sales of coffee beans are a good indication that the coffee industry is still strong in the United States.

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