Meat Consumption and the Link to Type 2 Diabetes


It’s an industry that’s worked overtime to convince you to consume what they’re selling. Think “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” and “Pork. The Other White Meat.” But study after study slams the salaciousness they’re selling.

Meat’s link to disease.

A recent Diabetes and Metabolism meta-analysis reported on the findings of almost 30 articles focused on the link between meat consumption and the risk for type 2 diabetes. The results were frightening: consuming red meat, processed meat, fish, and poultry can increase the risk for type 2 diabetes.



People who consumed the:

  • most total meat saw a 33% increased risk of type 2 diabetes
  • most processed meat saw a 25% increased risk for type 2 diabetes
  • most red meat 22% increased risk for type 2 diabetes



The deck is stacked against you.

Further analyses explored how adding meat to your diet increases risk. For example, adding 100 grams (a piece of meat approximately the size of a deck of cards) per day of total meat increases risk by 36%. Adding 100 grams of red meat increases risk by 31%. If you go one step further and add an additional 50 grams per day of processed meat, you increase your risk for diabetes by a generous 46%.

Why so high?

The authors attribute the associated risk to a list of diet “no-nos’”: saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, heme iron, and animal protein from meat. Serum levels of proteins and iron, plus increased weight associated with meat consumption, may also contribute to the risk.

Keep risk low.

A diet rich in fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables both lowers the risk for type 2 diabetes and gives your body a necessary boost. Consuming natural, nitrate-rich foods can reduce blood pressure and improve overall circulatory health. Choose vegetables with naturally high nitrate content, rather than those with nitrate manufacturers have added during processing.

We can help.

At NutriFusion, we use first-grade, fresh and high-quality fruits and vegetables to create a nutrient dense powder full of natural vitamins and minerals. High quality food and beverage processors are adding the nutrient dense powder to their products to provide the nutrition bodies need.

We believe in a farm-to-table approach. But, even when you don’t have access to quality fruits and vegetables, you can achieve the necessary nutrition via our quality supplements. Our ingredients are plant based and never include synthetics, just real food from nature to you.

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Junk Food May be the Culprit Behind Food Allergies

The European Society has noted for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition that kids these days have a higher incidence of food allergies. Scientists believe that this is due to the high junk food content of their diet, which is referred to as AGEs or Advanced Glycation End products.

Statistics on Food Allergies in Kids

Steadily, food allergies have been rising in numbers over the past few decades, worldwide. In fact, in some countries, food allergies in children rose by 10 percent, which is an alarming number and places our kids’ health in danger. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 1997 and 2011, the incidence of food allergies in kids in the US rose by a whopping 50 percent. In the United Kingdom, a 500 percent increase in hospital admissions for food allergies has been noted since 1990.

What’s the Driving Force Behind These Food Allergies?

Due to the uptick in food allergy cases, scientists are in hot pursuit of the culprit. Lots of theories have floated which all boils down to early exposure to bacteria and certain foods.

According to Dr. Roberto Berni Canani, a professor at the University of Naples said that “As of yet, existing hypothesis and models of food allergies do not adequately explain the dramatic increase observed in the last few years—so dietary AGEs may be the missing link.” In layman’s terms, these words mean that the spike in food allergies is connected to the increased prevalence of processed food consumption.

It has been reported that the general American population gets half their calories from processed foods that contain AGEs. AGEs are lipids or proteins that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease, chronic kidney disease, atherosclerosis, and diabetes that are chiefly found in some barbecues or roasted meats, microwaved foods, processed foods, and sugars.

Linking AGE products

To test the link between AGEs and food allergies, a study was conducted on children between the ages of 6 and 12 years old. As much as 61 pieces of data were collected and divided into groups of kids who have no allergy as the control, kids with respiratory allergies and kids with food allergies. The results of the study showed a strong connection between food allergies and AGE consumption.

The study positively supports the link between AGEs being a driving factor on the increasing incidence rates of food allergies. However, further research is needed to cement the proof. But with the strong link shown by the test, it is hoped that government agencies can provide health preventive interventions that will restrict junk food consumption. Especially knowing that these junk foods are highly palatable and enjoyable for kids, the sense of urgency to this work is nonetheless emphasized as it will dramatically impact our kids quality of life.

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George Prior’s Month Long Journey With 10 Cokes a Day

In many first world countries, soda addiction has never been stronger even with various health practitioners spelling doom for those who don’t eliminate it from their diet. Admittedly, what makes soda addictive is its high sugar content and that sugar rush one feels each time they pop a can with its amazing fizz and bubbles.

Sometimes, just hearing it from our doctors is not enough to make people change their habits drastically. But, luckily for us, there is a man who was brave enough to go on an adventure with drinking 10 regular cokes a day. And what’s even more amazing is that he documented the adventure with before and after photos of his month-long journey and by all the gods that we hold dear, the transformation is very obvious and may literally help you quit your soda addiction.

Before the 10 Cokes a Day

George Prior is the brave man who went on a month-long 10 cokes a day challenge. He is in his 50s, lives in LA and is a health-conscious guy. Before the challenge, he had a full physical checkup before the journey and everything was in proper order including normal weight, insulin levels, and blood pressure (BP). He also only had 9% body fat. His diet consisted of lots of water, vegetables, berries, and lean meats. He is into the paleo diet.

The Results after a Month of 10 Cans of Coke a Day

George’s before and after photos would be the glaring evidence to the fatty effects of soda, which we all have anticipated. But more than that here are the other effects that George felt:

  • Sleep troubles – studies show that people who frequently drink soda sleep for 5 hours or less, which is below the recommended sleep times for the body to recuperate. Suga and caffeine are to be blamed for this.
  • Fatigue – or low energy is felt throughout the day due to sugar spikes. The crash after a sugar high leaves you worse than before you drank the soda.
  • Headaches – it is believed that the combination of sugar and caffeine may trigger headaches plus the phosphoric acid, acidity, aspartame, and artificial colors contained in the soda.
  • Increase in body fat – remember, George’s body fat started at 9% and increased to a whopping 64%. The rapidity of fat gain is linked to both heart disease and diabetes.
  • Loss of Appetite – he also experienced and discovered that his overall appetite for healthy and regular foods lessened. He also noticed that his taste buds craved sugar-filled foods.
  • BP Levels Increased – his baseline BP reading was pegged at 129/77 and after the testing, it shot up to 143/96. There is a lot of literature that has reported the linked between increased levels of insulin with increased BP levels.
  • Gained Weight – obviously, George gained a total of 23-pounds within the period of one-month even with sticking to his usual healthy Paleo diet. In fact, in a study conducted by Harvard, just by drinking one can of soda a day led to a 5-pound weight gain within a year.

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Infant Autism Risk Can be Greatly Reduced with Prenatal Vitamins

Studies show that taking prenatal vitamins may help decrease the chances of infants developing autism even in families with higher risks. Folate, also known as folic acid, used as a dietary supplement has shown to significantly lower risks of developing ASD, also known as an autism spectrum disorder.

Autism Risk in the Family

Families have a higher risk of having another child with autism if they already have a child that is on the spectrum. Because of their genetics and heredity, they are 14 times more at risk to develop ASD. In JAMA Psychiatry, on February 27, new research was published that showed how even in high-risk families, prenatal vitamins are just as sufficient. Based off these studies, prenatal vitamins lower the risk of developing autism by 50% for these younger siblings.

Rebecca J. Schmidt, Ph.D. first author of the study and assistant professor in the department of public health sciences and the MIND Institute, UC Davis School of Medicine, informed Healthline that “Evidence is building for an important role of gestational exposures, including nutrition, in relation to autism. Research from imaging and other studies of the brain show that processes affected in autism occur during pregnancy. Studies have repeatedly shown that taking folic acid supplements was associated with protection from autism in the general population.”

Results of the Study on Prenatal Vitamins

Her studies showed how 241 families with ASD were affected by prenatal vitamins and supplements. They wanted to see if they were affected the same as other families and to see if they also received the same benefits from these supplements. The results showed that 96% of mothers said they took prenatal supplements, but the only ⅓ of supposed mothers took them in the recommended time, which was before pregnancy.

The study also showed that children were less likely to develop severe autism symptoms if the mothers took prenatal vitamins in the first month of their pregnancy. These children also received higher cognitive scores.

The results that came from these studies could profoundly impact public health. It is essential to spread the prevention of ASD for future generations. These findings can guide future expecting mothers with nutritional advice and inform them of health implications that come with supplements.

What the Study Could Mean

Vice-chair of the department of pediatrics at University of Missouri Health Care and part of Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network, Dr. Kristin Sohl, stated: “This is a small study that needs to be replicated in a larger sample before true risk reduction calculations and public health policy decisions can be made.”

Although Folic supplements have its pros, studies from Johns Hopkins University have revealed some cons. In 2016, researchers from the university released that mothers with high levels of vitamin b-12 and folic acid supplement had an 18% increase in chances of autism. But, only in extreme cases do prenatal supplements have a role in causing autism.

In the study, the women had excess levels of the vitamins and supplements; this was not the recommended intake by the World Health Organization. Even researchers from the survey agreed that prenatal vitamins were still essential and beneficial to mothers. Sohl adds on “Because many pregnancies are unplanned and because neural tube defects can develop in the first 28 days of fetal development, all women of child-bearing age are recommended to take increased folic acid.”

Parents should take the initiative to visit their doctors and consult about proper supplements and vitamins to take.

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Toddler Nutrition Falls Short on Vitamins and Minerals

Toddler nutrition is key to proper development and growth. Children need nutrients like Calcium, Iron, and Vitamin C to name a few in order to grow healthy. While it is ideal for children to bank on their nutrition profile, studies show that many children suffer from nutrient deficiency.

Regan Bailey, associate professor at Purdue University noted that it is hard to track the food intake of toddlers considering that a third of their calorie intake comes from snacking. Unfortunately, the standard American diet did not help much as this particular diet provides too much of the bad things or too little of the good stuff to children. This has led him and his team to release the Feeding Infants and Toddler Study in 2016.  With the help of other nutrition researchers, they studied the food intake of infants, toddlers, and children.

Infants Are Nutrient Deficient

The findings of their study suggest that infants who are less than 12 months old have a nutritionally adequate diet but 20% of them have a low intake of iron that is necessary for preventing anemia. Anemia causes low oxygen being delivered throughout the body by the blood and this may cause cognitive impairment. Once infants start eating table foods, the nutritional gaps start to be evident especially when children are fed with nutritionally-deficient food. And with many parents feeding their children with fast food items and processed snacks, many toddlers consume too much sugar, salt, and saturated fats. Moreover, they get too little fiber, Vitamin D and potassium from their diet.

Why Children Need To Bank On Their Nutrition

According to Bailey, children need to bank on vitamins and minerals so that the different functions in the body can be supported. It is important for children to consume the right foods and the only way to address nutrient deficiency is to encourage them to eat a myriad of foods. Instead of giving them cookies and other salty snacks, encouraging them to eat fruits and vegetables is great.

But more than encouraging them to eat healthily, one of the most important things to address this issue is to also encourage parents to eat healthily. The study noted that parents who have limited food preferences also influence their children when it comes to being finicky with food. By encouraging parents to eat healthily, it can help reinforce good eating habits among children.

The Future Of Toddler Nutrition And How Politics Play A Role

Researchers and policymakers also play a vital role in helping address nutrient deficiency among children. Creating strategies that will provide families with easier access to fruits, vegetables, and whole food ingredients is very crucial. In recent dates, policymakers in the United States created the 2014 Farm Bill that requires different health institutions to include information on toddler nutrition in future dietary guidelines. After all, the guidelines’ currently being used are very old and need updating. While this is a small change, it can add up over time thus creating a ripple of difference all over the world.

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Folate Deficiency is a Serious Problem

Folate is one of the B Vitamins found in green leafy vegetables such as peas, broccoli, and spinach. It is also sourced from bananas, mushroom, melons, and shellfish. It has been widely known that folate is an essential nutrient among pregnant women. And while it is recommended that pregnant women should bank on folate, it is also necessary for adults to take in folate. The Danish Health Authority noted that pregnant women and those who are trying to conceive should bank on this vitamin for the healthy development of babies. One of the most significant issues is folate deficiency is irreversible.

Folate Deficiency Is Irreversible

Associate Professor Ying Liu from the Center for Chromosome Stability in the University of Copenhagen noted that deficiency of folate could lead to devastating and irreversible consequences. Lack of this vitamin can affect the way the chromosomes maintain health. Once there is something wrong with the cell division, it can no longer be fixed thus irreversible. Many studies have noted that folate deficiency can lead to age-related dementia, mental illness, and deformation of the brain during fetal development. These brain development anomalies are called neural tube defects, and they include spina bifida and anencephaly to name a few.

Public Knowledge On Folate Deficiency Is Key

Professor Liu also noted that the general public needs to know the adequate level of folate that we need to consume. He said that once the public has such knowledge,  it is easier to see if one has sufficient levels of folate in their blood for successful DNA replication. To tell whether an individual has adequate amounts of folate in his or her blood, blood samples may be taken.

Mapping The Genome

To detect folate deficiency, researchers are looking at the potential of using lymphocytes–a type of white blood cell–to determine the levels of folate. Researchers analyzed part of the genome called FRAXA that contains a genetic sequence CGG. This genetic sequence is associated with mitosis, cell division, and abnormalities in the chromosomes. The study noted that the entire X chromosome becomes unstable after depriving folate.

The study demonstrates that deficiency in folate can lead to abnormalities in the chromosomes. Once there are abnormalities in the chromosome, the daughter cells can inherit the mutation following cell division. This is the reason why the lack of folate in the body can lead to many diseases such as infertility, cancer, and mental health disorders.

Future Direction

This study is remarkable because the researchers are closer to determining the pathway that associates folate deficiency to chromosomal damage. While the research is still in its initial stage, the proponents of the study noted that other parts of the genome contain CGG sequences that can be further studied. Thus, the next step of the researchers is to map the area of the human genome where folate deficiency can influence the most. By doing so, it will be easier for the researchers and even the general public to understand folate deficiency. It can also be used to develop a tool on possibly reversing or halting the damaging effects of folate deficiency.

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Mom Finds Metal in Toddler Gummy Vitamins

Parents intend to give their children foods and supplements that they know will make their children grow stronger and healthier. However, there are absolute horror stories that we encounter now and then that will make us rethink about giving supplements to our children. Samantha Anderson has a story to tell…

Good Intentions Gone Bad

What seemingly was a good intention to provide vitamins to her child became a harrowing nightmare. The Kansas mom found out that there were metal shavings in her daughter’s intestine from consuming gummy vitamins from a well-known brand. She had been feeding her three-year-old daughter, Milani, with Zarbee’s Natural Vitamins gummies she bought at Target until she noticed that some metal pieces were sticking out at the bottom of the bottle.

Writing her story on Facebook, Samantha noted that there were metal flakes found at the bottom of the bottle of the chewable vitamins. Some of the flakes had also embedded in the surface of the gummies. To her horror, she does not know how many metal flakes were in the bottle and how many were unknowingly ingested by her daughter.

Sharp Metal Flakes Led To Hospitalization

To confirm her fears that they were indeed metal shavings, she and her husband used a magnet to test the multivitamins – and indeed they were. She also took her daughter to the emergency room for an X-ray. The X-ray result noted that there were metals found in her intestines. The sharp metal flakes were found in Milani ’s stomach which led to the girl’s emergency hospital admission so that doctors could carefully remove the metal shavings.

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As a mom, Samantha Anderson could not help but feel terrible. For her, she felt like she failed as a mom because she was the one who fed the gummies to her. However, she couldn’t be blamed for what happened to her daughter. The responsibility falls into the hands of Zarbee. Anderson already reported the incident to the Food and Drug Administration following the recommendation of her pediatrician. Currently, the FDA is investigating the complaint. The company has yet to make an official public statement to address the incident, but they have already released a comment on social media apologizing and wishing for her daughter to get well.

Lesson That Can Be Learned About Gummy Vitamins

While this might be an isolated case, it is essential to take note that it can happen to anyone. There is a lesson that can be learned from this story. As parents, it is crucial always to check the quality of the supplements that you are giving to your children. Scrutinizing each bottle may be time-consuming, but it is worth it. But aside from the parents, it is also crucial for the supplement manufacturers to continually check the quality of their finished products. Since this incident has already been reported, it is critical for the company to recall the bottles of gummies from Target. This may be an isolated case, but one can never be too sure.

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Millennials Leading the Way for More Vegetable Consumption

Millennials are making their impact on society. When it comes to vegetable consumption, they are setting the trend to eat healthily. In the recent study conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, they have found out that millennials prefer to eat more fruits and vegetables over meats and grains. The study analyzed food buying data per generation. Millennials, who are born between 1981 and mid-2000s, are the largest and most diverse generation. They have the highest purchasing behavior, which is why they influence the consumer and retail landscape. Many companies are designing their products with millennials in mind.

More Millennials Are Eating More Fresh Produce

According to the report, the consumption of fresh produce in the country grew at 1.3% between the years 2011 and 2016. It is also expected that the annual gains will continue to rise through 2021 and probably the years beyond. What influenced this trend is that the eating habits of different generations have evolved. The changes are altering the recommendations on what makes up a healthy diet. The current nutritional guideline dictates that people should dedicate half of their plate to fruits and vegetables. They should also include whole grains, dairy, and protein for each meal.

The Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

Consuming more fruits and vegetables can help protect the body against different diseases – particularly the chronic ones. These include Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and some types of cancer. Moreover, fruits and vegetables are also jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that can help improve the physiological functions and capacity of people when it comes to fighting off different kinds of diseases.

How to Encourage More People to Eat Their Veggies?

The results of the study indicate that people are becoming more aware of the health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables. But aside from increasing awareness, the trend can be further improved if more people have access to fresh produce. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to convince people to consume more fruits and vegetables is to make them available in places where adults and children live, work, and learn.

The Role of the Agricultural Industry

Another solution is to develop products that are more exciting and fun to eat. For instance, the company Syngenta is currently developing ultra-firm watermelons called CrispFresh watermelons. This innovative variety does not only taste great, but it also makes the processing and shelf-life longer.  And since the watermelon is crisp, it is now possible to make watermelon fries with it. The agricultural sector plays a vital role in innovating crops not only to produce higher yields but also to ensure that the product will last longer so that people who live in food deserts can access them at a lower price.

Future Direction

With the influential role of millennials, coupled with the dedication of the agricultural sector to increase their yield, it is likely that the trend will increase in the years to follow. This can eventually create a paradigm shift wherein people will consume more fruits and vegetables. By doing so, it also helps the economy as it reduces the cost of the government to fund for the provision of healthcare services on lifestyle diseases.

Packaged food brands are also taking another approach to help consumers get the natural benefits of fruits and vegetables in everyday products. They are using GrandFusion fruit and vegetable powders to enrich their bars, protein powders, and more with the natural vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. Download the R&D kit below to learn more!

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