Foods Rich in Flavonoids Have Cancer-Fighting Abilities

What makes fruits and vegetables healthy are that they contain enzymes that can influence physiological processes in the body, and also contains flavonoids that can bring many benefits to the body.

A study conducted by researchers from ECU’s School of Medical and Health Sciences analyzed data obtained from the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Cohort with 53,048 Danes for 23 years. The study found that people who regularly consume foods that are rich in flavonoids are less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The study was published in the journal, Nature Communications, and is a collaboration between the Danish Cancer Society Research Center and Herlev & Gentofte University Hospital.

What Is the Study All About?

The lead researcher, Dr. Nicola Bondonno, noted that the protective effects of flavonoids are highest among people who are at risk of developing chronic diseases. This is especially true among people who heavily smoke and drink alcohol, particularly those who consume more than the recommended amount per day. The findings of the study are significant because flavonoid-rich foods can be used to prevent the onset and development of chronic diseases potentially.  But aside from people with chronic diseases, flavonoids can also benefit healthy people who want to maintain their good health.

Where to Get Flavonoids?

While many fruits and vegetables contain specific amounts of flavonoids, one can get more by consuming flavonoid-rich foods such as tea and apples. Other types of foods that are rich in flavonoids include broccoli, oranges, and berries. There is a myriad of fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of flavonoids. The study shows that consuming at least 500 milligrams of total flavonoids can reduce the risk of cancer as well as heart-related diseases.

How Many Flavonoid-Rich Foods to Consume?

But how much of these foods should you take in to benefit from flavonoids? The same study noted that it is easy to achieve the daily recommended amount by having an idea of the serving sizes of foods that you should eat. For instance, you can get 500 milligrams of flavonoids by consuming any of the following: one apple, one cup of tea, one orange, 100 grams of broccoli, and 100 milligrams of blueberries.

How Do Flavonoids Work?

While the study is conclusive that flavonoids can help promote better health, the mechanism on how it brings benefits to the body might still be a little vague. However, Dr. Bondonno noted that the protective effect of flavonoids is because it has anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatory properties can help improve blood vessel function as well as promote the immune system function.

The Future These Natural Wonders

Flavonoids come with potent anti-inflammatory benefits to the body, but Dr. Bondonno wants to research further the specific types of cancers and heart diseases that can benefit from flavonoids. Eventually, identifying the type of cancer and heart disease that can be prevented by flavonoids and the kind of food that can help the body may lead to the development of medicine made from nature.

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