Infographic: Human Foods Your Dogs Can & Cannot Eat

Who doesn’t sneak their pets a table scrap or two during dinner? 

When you’re opening a bag of chips, your dog will probably run from a room on the other side of the house. Their puppy eyes convince you to share your snack with them. 

Sneaking your dog a few leftover foods may seem like a way to show your affection. However, it can also be more harmful that you’d think.

Some human foods are healthy choices that can be added to your dog’s regular diet. But, some of them are extremely dangerous for dogs that can cause illness and even death if they ingest them.

Also, your dogs can have allergies, too. In this situation, human foods might not for them. Feeding them a special diet for allergy dogs can help lower your dog’s risk of developing an allergy or manage your dog’s allergy symptoms.

Before sharing your food with your furry friends, it’s important to know that what you’re feeding them won’t harm them or necessitate an emergency visit to the vet.

Here is a detailed chart about 50+ human food your dog can and can not eat from CyberPet. If you’re not sure it’s safe for your dog, keep reading!



Infographic: The Eight B-Vitamins Your Body Needs

In the infographic below, Dr. Weil explains these eight B-vitamins that your body needs and the best whole food sources to find them. The eight B-vitamins are essential to so many body functions including your metabolism, immune system, energy production, and so much more. Enjoy!

eight b-vitamins essential whole food source plant-based nutrifusion ingredients

Infographic: Clean Label Protein Powder Study Results

The Clean Label Project, a Denver-based non-profit, was commissioned to study the toxins and nutritional information found in 134 of the top protein powders on the market. Sadly, the results were not good for all of our clean label protein powders. They found that 53 of the 134 protein powders tested with elevated levels of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and BPA. Interested in learning more? You can check out the infographic below for some of the key stats and you can also visit their website to see the full protein powder rankings.

protein powder rankings clean label project plant-based fruits vegetables

Infographic: The Nutrition Rainbow for Health

Have you ever heard eat the rainbow? This infographic digs into the nutrition rainbow and how the different color fruits and vegetables offer different health benefits. Fruits and vegetables are critical to eat because of their protective compounds. The saddest thing is that only 1 out of 10 U.S. adults are meeting their daily serving of fruits and vegetables. Check out this infographic for more details on the compounds in these different color fruits and vegetables. Enjoy!

nutrition rainbow fruits vegetables vitamins minerals plants nutrifusion infographic


Inspired by Dr. Neal Barnard

Infographic: Love Your Heart With These Fruits & Vegetables

NutriFusion developed our GrandFusion fruit and vegetable powders because we know how important these whole foods are to our diets. We saw that people were eating more packaged and processed foods, but most of these were not packed with fruits and vegetables. On top of that, the products that did have fruits and vegetables in them were not retaining the beneficial vitamins and minerals that our bodies so desperately need. Check out the infographic below created by SunWarrior and a list of heart-healthy foods.

love your heart heart healthy foods fruits vegetables nutrifusion sunwarrior


Infographic Credit:

Infographic: A Guide to Vitamin Rich Foods

Vitamins are essential to regulating the body and protecting us from oxidative stress. This is the primary reason that NutriFusion developed the GrandFusion powdered blends to help food manufacturers easily add robust combinations of vitamins and minerals all from fruits and vegetables. Check out this infographic on vitamin rich foods and how to keep your diet full of them.

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Infographic: Healthy Look at The World of Vitamins

Check out this in-depth infographic into the world of vitamins by 16 Best.

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Infographic: Organic vs. Non-GMO – What’s the Difference?

PacMoore recently released an interesting infographic on the differences between organic and non-GMO labels. Most consumers, as well as food brands, struggle to understand what is the difference. The certification and verification process is much different. Check out PacMoore’s infographic to learn more!

organic non-gmo what is difference certification verification

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