New Product Lines February 2015

NutriFusion® Launches Two New Product Lines

Organic Food Ingredient Manufacturer, NutriFusion® Announces New Line of Food & Beverage Products

NutriFusion®, a provider of diverse and complex natural nutrition and phytonutrient products for food manufacturers, today announced four new products – GrandFusion® Vegan Protein, GrandFusion® Complete, NutriFusion® Lift, and NutriStix® Antioxidant. NutriFusion® will introduce their new nutrient rich food and beverage products at the 2015 Natural Products Expo West/Engredea tradeshow in Anaheim, California.

NutriFusion’s® GrandFusion® Vegan Protein is an all-natural GMO, gluten and lactose free powder. The versatile all-natural powder is as an alternative to anabolic steroids and can be added to drinks, smoothies, sprinkled over food, used in baking or added to nutrition bars for an extra boost of protein.

GrandFusion® Complete is a complete package meal replacement powder containing plant-derived Omega 3, 6, 9, and Edestin and Albumin proteins. The high fiber, easy to digest, vegan safe and low glycemic load powder is rich in zinc, iron, and magnesium and can be added to juice drinks, milkshakes, soups, and cereals. GrandFusion® Complete comes in various flavors – or flavorless for both consumers and food processors.

New to the beverage space, NutriFusion’s® Lift energy drink mix powder and NutriStix® Antioxidant drink supplement powder both are packaged for ease of transport for active on-the-go consumers. NutriFusion® Lift takes an alternative “energy shot” approach working at the cellular level to restore spent energy and renew energy stores via  an immune system supportive pre-formulated blend that includes Vitamins B6, B12, Niacin, Folic Acid, Magnesium, and Potassium. NutriStix® Antioxidantis a natural nutritional water enhancer that is bio-absorbable, possessing a high ORAC value and enriched with antioxidant-rich vitamins from fruits and vegetables.

“There is an increased interest among food manufacturers and processors around functional foods, specifically to offer more nutritional and protein rich foods,” said NutriFusion® CEO and Founder, William Grand. “During Natural Products Expo West, the NutriFusion® team looks forward to showing food manufacturers how easy it is to incorporate our organic blends to significantly boost overall nutritional value of processed food and beverages.”

NutriFusion® at Expo West/Engredea: Location and Hours
To sample NutriFusion® nutrient rich powders and blends, and meet with company executives, please visit booth #339-Hall A at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. Show floor hours are: Friday, March 6 – Saturday, March 7 from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sunday, March 8 from 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Currently North America is the largest market serviced by NutriFusion®, and an established distribution pipeline extends to Australia and New Zealand. NutriFusion’s® four key sales markets include the food, beverage, nutritional supplement and pet food/treats industries.

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