Gen Z Eating Habits are Healthier and More Convenient
Generation Z refers to a group of people who are born from 1995 to 2010. Although they are one of the youngest demographics, they are moving the food culture in the United States. A report released by Packaged Facts noted that Gen Z eating habits are more likely to include a snack between meals compared with millennials. Moreover, they are also keen on preparing their own meals than millennials who currently live more fast-paced lives.
Gen Z eating habits have influenced the food industry by encouraging manufacturers to produce snacks that are appealing to this particular demographic. What makes food appealing to this generation is its natural origin. In fact, many of this generation prefer food that is made from organic and natural ingredients. They also prefer food that does not contain additives such as preservatives, sugar, and many others. They are also most likely to prefer vegetarianism over other types of diets.
Health And Convenience Are Defining Factors in Gen Z Eating Habits
Because many Gen Zs are opting for healthy eating habits, more food manufacturers are producing healthy food products to meet the demands of this generation. It is also important to take note that although this generation is relatively young, their eating, as well as shopping habits, will probably not change as they age. This means that they will continue to seek products that are made from clean ingredients and come with transparent labels.
Why this generation is so obsessed with healthy living comes from the influence of their millennial and gen x parents. In a recent report in 2018 released by SPINS, they noted that this generation still prefers products that are easy, accessible, and convenient. Gen Z is in perpetual motion and surrounded by gadgets. As a generation that is adept in performing multiple tasks at one time, this has influenced their eating habits such that they prefer foods that they can easily eat but do not require too much prep time. They also prefer products that are microwavable, but they are looking for those that are organic, natural, and free from synthetic ingredients.
The Direction Of Many Food Manufacturers
The demand for healthier food products by Gen Z eating habits has led to many food companies producing healthy products. One such company is Barilla that recently introduced healthy microwavable pasta that people can take as snacks or dinner. Research Director of Packaged Facts, David Sprinkle, noted that many from this generation know the value of healthy foods but they want the convenience of easy-to-prepare foods. There are huge present opportunities for many foods and beverage manufacturers to create different preparations of packaged foods from canned soups, chips, and desserts to name a few.
The bottom line here is that many food and beverage manufacturing companies can gain a lot from developing food products that will appeal to the larger population of Gen Z eating habits. In fact, they account for at the most $143 billion in terms of direct spending. And since they make up about 26% of the population in the United States, they are a force to be reckoned with.
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