Millennial Dads Spend Most Time Shopping for Groceries

Fifty years ago, women did the shopping while men worked or relaxed at home. However, the trend of consumer shopping has considerably changed over the years, thanks to technology and the shift in society. In the study conducted by Ibotta, a top mobile shopping app, it indicated that there is a significant increase in the number of fathers doing grocery shopping. Since 2013, the buying behavior of 90,000 parents was analyzed in a study. It revealed that there is a 62% increase in grocery purchases made by millennial dads.  This means that fathers between the age of 18 and 24 tend to shop for groceries 25% more than baby boomer parents.


Purchase Trends

While alcohol is still on top of the shopping list of many dads, the study found that purchase of alcoholic beverages is indirectly proportional to the number of kids they have. This means that the purchase of alcohol decreases as the family has more children. The study also indicated that dads buy more alcohol if they have two children (at least one and a half times more) compared to men who are not yet fathers. The data is a little confusing, but it shows us that purchasing behavior is not one size fits all.

Dads are also 2.5x more likely to purchase cereals, soda, and snacks than men without children. They also tend to buy more cameras than non-dads for the purpose of documenting their children and growing family. They are also highly likely to buy things that can increase their family’s well-being. For instance, they are 4x more prone to buying supplements for improving their health. They are also keen on purchasing products that enhance their appearance such as hair regrowth products and anti-aging creams.

The study also noted the differences in shopping behaviors between dads and moms. Compared to mothers, fathers are 11x more likely to buy beer for themselves (Who would have known?). They also tend to buy more protein products and nutrition bars for themselves.


Millennial Dads Leading Shopping…What Does it Mean?

The shopping trips among moms slightly increased, but grocery purchases are down to 2.4% for three years. Surprisingly, more fathers make more trips to the grocery stores every month, and their general shopping trip was more than 10% compared to the previous years.  So what does this indicate? It means that many millennial dads play bigger and more proactive roles at home by shouldering more of the domestic responsibilities such as grocery shopping for the entire household. Gone are the days when dads leave the shopping to women.

Bijal Shah, VP of Analytics and Data Products for Ibotta, noted that there is a generational shift from old fathers who embraced traditional roles against younger dads who are savvy with technology, use e-commerce, and who are now becoming more active within the family life. The use of e-commerce can prove to be very beneficial for millennial dads as well as dads from the older generation as it provides them more opportunities to shop even within the comforts of their home.

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Taste is Leading Consumer Indicator for Beverages

The rise of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity have created a growing concern for parents and everyone at large to move to beverages that offer more benefits. This migration is what has come to be known as the better-for-you alternatives. It is the direction that the non-alcoholic beverage companies are moving with 90% of the new products they bring to market. However, taste still plays a major role in new product development of healthy alternatives.

Taste + Health = Top Beverages

After recent research by Mintel, it is clear that most people’s choice in non-alcoholic beverages is still primarily driven by taste. The percentage of individuals that prioritize taste above all else stands at a staggering 72% while health or nutritional benefits follow by a far cry at 21%.  The least influential factor for consumer preference according to the study happens to be functional benefits at 12%.

The same research shows that there was a stagnant or decline in sales between 2014-2015 and the saddest part of the story is that this trajectory is synonymous with the findings of the research. Carbonated soft drinks had a 0.1 percent growth, and juices grew by the same margin. The largest hits, however, were dairy milk that fell by 7 percent. On the other hand, beverages like coffee had an 8.7 percent growth and energy drinks had an 8.9 percent growth.

In the report, Mintel indicated that consumer preference was quickly changing and the numbers that stood at 66% for juice drinkers, 64% of carbonated soft drink drinkers and the same for dairy products would soon shift. This was as a result of the more than half of the Americans (67% to be precise) were often buying different or new style beverages. Another 18% indicated that they drink a vast variety of drinks. This goes to suggest that the scope of the non-alcoholic beverage industry is rapidly changing.

There is no doubt that the beverage market is doing all it can to meet the consumer’s need for healthier options. However, flavor and taste are still a big part of why customers prefer different drinks. If the taste is not great, then there is no doubt that the consumers will not even touch it. One of the beverage analysts at Mintel went ahead to state that the vast diversity of products that were available in the market made it much easier for consumers to move on to the next one.

It is true that the better-for-you movement is reshaping the industry, and the sales trends are proving this. However, brands will still have to consider factoring in the flavor factor which is primary as well as function and health.

The Future of Beverages

There has also been an emergence of cross-category beverages that has led to the development of new drinks. They add to consumer preference confusion and makes it also challenging for brands that would like to keep their new customers without polarizing those that have not yet made up their minds.

These varieties continue to diversify the options with 40% of customers being encouraged to purchase a new beverage as long as there is a sample in the store that they could try. The playing field is quite open, and the one brand that can incorporate great taste and health is more than likely going to take over the market.

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FDA Approves Folic Acid Fortification Corn Masa Flour

Folic acid or folate is a type of B vitamin that is needed by pregnant women. It has essential functions in the development of the neural tubes to the brain and spinal cord of the fetus to develop properly. Eating folate-rich food is imperative not only for pregnant women but women in general. Consumption of 400mg of folic acid daily is enough to prevent the progression of neural tube defects. There are many sources of folic acid and it is important for women to eat a generous serving of these foods like lentils, spinach, broccoli, eggs and fortified grains and pasta.

Neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly are estimated to occur in 3,000 pregnancies in the United States every year. It is caused by minimal to no intake of folic acid. This is the reason why the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed on the fortification of food as an effective means of addressing micronutrient deficiencies.

Folic Acid Fortification to Help Hispanic American Women

Mandatory fortification of grains started in 1998, but despite this, there is a significant number of Hispanic children who suffer from this condition. Thus, one of the ways to diminish the inconsistency is to fortify the corn masa flour to improve the total consumption of folic acid among Hispanic women.

Corn masa flour is a primary component of Spanish dough that is made from cooking corn and alkali and grinding them. It is a staple food for many Latin Americans particularly those from Central America and Mexico. This type of flour has a wide variety of uses such as making tortillas, taco shells, tamales and corn chips. While corn masa flour is high in providing the necessary carbohydrates and energy for the body, it does not contain B vitamins. You would have to eat other foods that contain folic acid to get your daily intake.

Several types of research showed that Hispanic women have a lower intake of folate than non-Hispanic women.  As such, the US FDA has approved the fortification of corn masa flour with folic acid. Manufacturers of the corn flour should add up to 0.7 milligrams of folic acid per pound of masa flour. Increasing the consumption of folic acid in enriched corn masa flour is helpful in reducing the incidence of neural tube defects especially among populations wherein corn flour is a staple in their diet.

Studies showed that fortification of corn masa flour with folic acid can increase the daily intake of said nutrient in Hispanic women by as much as 20% which is higher compared to the normal consumption of only 4%. This also reduces the need for Hispanic women to take daily synthetic supplements as they can get their folate from staple food sources.

The addition of folic acid on corn masa flour was done after conducting a scientific safety review to ensure that adding the micronutrient is safe for the general populace. FDA also evaluated dietary exposure, toxicology data as well as other relevant information to make sure that corn flour enriched with folic acid is not only effective in preventing NTD but also safe.

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Bottled Water is Top Beverage Among Generation Z

For more than a few decades, carbonated drinks and sodas have remained as the number one beverage. In fact in 1998, an average American drank 54 gallons of soda and only 30 gallons of water a year. However, the excessive consumption of soda fueled the country’s rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and as a result many have shifted to other healthier beverage options. But with the age of Generation Z and Millennials at hand, soda is now being replaced by a pure and unadulterated drink–water.

Bottled Water and Beverage InfographicGen Z and Millennials have been taught to make healthy choices. This is especially true when it comes to choosing beverages. A recent survey conducted by the Beverage Marketing Corporation and Fluent indicated that most Millennials and Gen Z prefer natural drinks like water.

It is important to take note that these generations grew up knowing that soda and sugary beverages are bad for you. This is the reason why many opt to drink water. However, this also creates an opportunity for beverage companies to create healthy drinks to fill in the niche.


Bottled Water Tops the List

It is interesting to know that bottled water tops the list of beverages that gen z and millennials prefer. In the survey, 43% of the correspondents consume water seven times per week while 22% consume it with coffee, milk or tea.

The popularity of bottled water as the healthiest alternative to soda and other flavored drinks is the reason why it became the second most popular drink in the United States. Soda companies are shaking in their boots.

What makes it perplexing is that tap water is also available, but respondents still prefer bottled water. In fact, 20% indicated that they solely drink bottled water instead of tap water due to safety concerns (Flint, Michigan). However, more are willing to drink from the tap as long as it has been filtered with an efficient filtering system.

As more and more people have become conscious about their health, water has become the most favored beverage in the country. Unlike other drinks, water does not contain any calories. It makes sense since we need it to survive.

What’s Next for Bottled Water?

The bottled water industry has fast-tracked since people started drinking more water than soda. In fact, an average American today drinks 58 gallons of water compared to two decades ago. That’s a 20-gallon increase since 1998. So what’s next for bottled water?

Industry experts suggest that the bottled water will surely hold on to the top spot for many years to come. But the question whether people will start drinking from the tap is still uncertain unless they are sure about the source of their water.

The popularity of water as the number one beverage allowed companies to develop their line of flavored water as well as enhanced water to appease the market’s growing need for innovation. However, the concerns for plastic can cause a backlash in the industry, and this is something that water bottling companies need to address.

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Guilt-Free Products Account for 45% of PepsiCo’s Portfolio

Americans love to eat unhealthy snacks. In fact, the US snack food industry is one of the largest in the world. With many food manufacturers jumping on the health bandwagon, PepsiCo is not an exception. Over the past few years, the company has geared to producing healthier and guilt-free snack products for their health-conscious consumers.

Pepsico’s Chief Executive Officer, Indra Nooyi, noted that most of the sales of the company come from its carbonated drinks. With the reshaping of its portfolio, the company is planning to release more products that use natural and healthy ingredients like fruits, grains, vegetables, and proteins. They also plan on releasing other beverages like water and unsweetened tea to give variation to their consumers.

The company’s plan to sell guilt-free food products will result in changing their entire product line up. In fact, the company noted that the health and wellness focused products account for 45% of the company’s revenue.


The Shift to Healthier Options

PepsiCo sees the need to change their products after being criticized for producing beverages that can contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and other metabolic syndromes. Moreover, most consumers today have shifted to healthy lifestyle thus opting for beverages that are made from natural ingredients. With the rising obesity rates in the United States, the company also wants to contribute to solving the problem by releasing drinks that have fewer calorie counts than usual.


Benefits for PepsiCo

PepsiCo has always relied on their fizzy drinks to drive their sales up. But since most of the consumers have shifted their attention to healthier beverages, the decision of the company to create guilt-free products has paid off.

The growth of the company by promoting nutritious and guilt-free food products now accounts for 45% of the revenue portfolio of the company. And with the high demand from consumers for healthy products, it is expected that the corporation’s return on investment will grow as more market trends take shape. This trend does benefit not only PepsiCo but also other food manufacturers. Companies are doing their best to focus on health and wellness products as consumers continue to connect food to their health.

With the high demand for healthy snacks and foods, it is no wonder why PepsiCo and other food companies have started producing their guilt-free products. What will PepsiCo do next to stay ahead of the curve?

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Papa John’s Removes High Fructose Corn Syrup from Menu

After decades of being under public scrutiny about serving empty calories to their customers, it is no wonder why many fast food companies have shifted their operations to eliminate unhealthy food ingredients. From McDonald’s kale salad to Chipotle’s sofrito and black bean salad, it seems that fast food restaurants are trying to serve healthier options. The infamous pizza delivery brand, Papa John’s, has followed suit by eliminating the use of high fructose corn syrup from their menu.

This national pizza place is pushing towards creating better and healthy pizza by removing one ingredient from its menu–high fructose corn syrup–on all its food items. This means that the pizza topping, sauce, and even desserts won’t contain this menacing sweetener. This is the first pizza delivery company in the United States to adopt this policy.


What is High Fructose Corn Syrup?

High fructose corn syrup is found in just about any kind of processed foods. It is a common sweetener used in creating soda as well as fruit-flavored drinks. It is also used in manufacturing different types of condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and other dipping sauces. This kind of sweetener is made from corn starch that has been converted into fructose. As a sweetener, it is often compared to table sugar. However, manufacturers are more attracted to it because of its low price point.

Excess consumption of high fructose corn syrup can contribute to unwanted calories that are linked to different types of health problems including obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, and heart diseases. Thus, the American Heart Association recommends only 6 teaspoons of added sugar for women and 9 teaspoons for men.

The decision for Papa John’s to completely remove high fructose corn syrup is big news to consumers who are looking for fast food chains that serve healthier food options.


What’s Next for Papa John’s

Chief Ingredient Officer Sean Muldoon noted that the company is always striving to provide foods made from high-quality ingredients, not only to improve the dining experience of customers but also to uphold their social responsibility.

This is the reason why the company is not only focused on the removal of the high fructose corn syrup in their menu but it is also looking for other ways to serve natural and healthy foods to its clients. For instance, the company is also now looking into using chicken that is raised without any antibiotics. The company has also stopped using fillers, MSG, artificial flavors, BHA, and hydrogenated oils in making their food. They are also looking into creating foods that will cater to their vegetarian and vegan customers.

Hopefully, the dedication of the company to produce better foods by using healthy ingredients will become a signal for other fast food restaurants as consumers continue to connect the dots between food and their health

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Fast Food Eaters Are Consuming Industrial Chemicals

Do you like eating fast food? If yes, then you might reconsider your habit after reading this article. Several research studies have found out that people who consume fast food all the time have high levels of industrial chemicals in their bodies.


What’s Inside Your Favorite Fast Food?

Research indicates that most fast food items contain the chemical substance called phthalates which are used to make plastic materials durable and flexible. This type of molecule is also found in soap, food packaging, cosmetics, and other consumer items.  The Center for Disease Control noted that exposure to this kind of compound is highly rampant in the United States.

While the effects of the exposure to these industrial chemicals are not yet fully known, scientists suspect that it might have effects on cell development, especially among pregnant women and children. In fact, laboratory research conducted on laboratory rats noted that exposure to such industrial chemicals can disrupt the male reproductive system. To date, the regulation of phthalates and other industrial chemicals is not very strong.

In a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, a team of researchers studied 9,000 people between 2003 and 2010. The urine samples of the participants were tested for the presence of industrial chemicals. The study indicated that phthalate and another chemical compound called DiNP showed a positive relationship between high fast-food intake as well as exposure.  This means that people who tend to eat more fast-food have more phthalates in their urine.


What’s the Solution to our Fast Food Problem?

Although it is still difficult to determine the exact health risk that phthalate exposure provides, it is still important to take extra precautionary measures. For instance, in Japan food handlers are no longer allowed to wear any vinyl gloves during food preparation over concerns of the phthalate exposure. On the other hand, the United States government has also decided to restrict the sale of toys made with industrial chemicals.

Aside from being found in fast food items, they are also found in fruits and vegetables via the plastic wraps that they are sold in. That’s one of the reasons it is always important to wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them. Industrial chemicals have deleterious effects on the body. Since it is suspected to have adverse effects on the body, some concerned groups are lobbying for the ban of industrial chemicals used on food—particularly fast food.

Moreover, they also encourage people to eat more healthy whole foods like organic fruits and vegetables to avoid exposure to these industrial chemicals. While we don’t have any laws to ban chemicals in our food, we can avoid these chemicals by avoiding fast food altogether. So instead of eating fast foods that are laden with industrial chemicals, eat clean, and enjoy whole foods like fruits and vegetables.

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What’s Next for Probiotics in Sports Nutrition?

There is a high demand for healthy beverages all over the world, which has given rise to probiotics, cold-pressed, organic, and plant-based beverages. This is the reason why food and beverage manufacturers have started developing sports nutrition drinks that are not only natural but also contain probiotic ingredients to attract a new market of health-conscious athletes and individuals.

Defining Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for the digestive system. In fact, we naturally have probiotics inside us.  The gut is where millions of bacteria live and if the population of your gut microflora is made up of good bacteria, you reap the benefits by having proper digestion as well as a healthy well-being.

So why should you drink probiotics if you already have them inside your body? Unfortunately, abusive lifestyles such as being stressed and eating processed foods can affect the number of good bacteria in your body. Moreover, if you have been taking antibiotics, your good bacteria are also eradicated as antibiotics are not selective when it comes to killing bacteria in the body. Adding probiotics to your diet is an excellent way to replace the population of good bacteria in your body.

Adding Probiotics in Sports Nutrition

Probiotics are already found in many fermented products that we consume. These include sauerkraut, vinegar, kimchi, yogurt, and many others. But many market innovators want to add probiotics to boost foods that do not traditionally contain them.

The use of probiotics as a primary ingredient in sports nutrition is becoming a popular trend and is expected to reach a global market value of $46.55 billion in the next four years.  For instance, companies like Ingredion, GoodBelly, and NextFoods Inc. are aiming to tap into the sports drink market by improving their product using probiotics. Soon, many companies will also join this trend and will create probiotic product lines that are not only limited to beverages but also protein bars and snacks.

The Rising Demand of Probiotics

In a recent survey conducted by Ganeden, it was noted that 70% of the consumers are open to consuming probiotics in food instead of supplements. The respondents also mentioned that they are willing to pay more for healthy foods especially those containing probiotics.

More and more people are becoming health conscious. They are aware and picky when it comes to what they are eating. People are now interested in looking for food that can give them more health benefits. The increasing demand for healthy and functional foods is the reason why food and beverage manufacturers are developing ways to incorporate probiotics into their products.

For now, probiotics are seen primarily as a potential ingredient for sports drinks, but manufacturers are innovating for the future use of probiotics in fruit beverages, baking mixes, granola bars and much more. It is forecasted that probiotics are set to make appearances in different types of products not only in sports nutrition but also in functional day to day products.

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