Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.

B-Vitamins and The Best Whole Food Sources

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.

Eating healthy means you’re eating a balanced diet, and this is very important for your health. A balanced diet is a meal containing different classes of foods in different proportions and quantities. This meal has an adequate requirement for proteins, calories, vitamins, minerals, and alternative nutrients. It also includes a small provision that is kept for additional nutrients for the sake of the length of leanness.

A balanced diet also offers bioactive phytochemicals such as antioxidants, dietary fiber, and nutraceuticals with positive health benefits. It would offer 60-70% of calories from carbohydrates for a meal to be a balanced diet, 20-25% from fat, and 10-12% from proteins. Most of the body’s calories are gotten from fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, nuts.

Importance of Balanced Diet

A balanced diet isn’t just important because it supplies the body with the nutrients it needs to function effectively. It also ensures that the body can fight diseases. When you don’t take a balanced diet, the body is more prone to infection, disease, fatigue, low performance, etc.

Children that are not fed with a balanced diet will have growth problems and will develop poorly. They will suffer from frequent infections and poor academic performance as well. They may also develop eating habits that are unhealthy and could persist with them into their adulthood.

The susceptibility to diseases affecting metabolic syndrome and the risk of obesity is very high without exercise. Conditions such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes are not far-fetched.

Medical experts at the Center for Science in the Public Interest have proven that 40% of the top 10 causes of death in the US have a direct link to diet. These causes are mainly heart diseases, cancer, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

What Constitute Balanced Diet?

The following nutrients are essential for a food to be considered a healthy and balanced diet:

  • Carbohydrates, including fiber and starches
  • Protein
  • Minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants
  • Healthy fats
  • Grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Protein foods
  • Dairy

Some common protein foods that you should eat are eggs, fish, meat, beans, legumes, and nuts.

If you’re following a vegan diet and have to focus solely on plant-based foods, your diet will not contain fish, meat, egg, and dairy mentioned earlier. However, your diet will include other things that give similar nutrients. A typical example is tofu and beans. These are plant-based foods and are good sources of protein. Some people can’t tolerate dairy at all but can still develop and eat a balanced diet by merely going for a variety of replacements rich in nutrients.

Foods to Avoid

There are certain foods you have to stay away from in a bid to eat a balanced diet and for the sake of your health. Some of these foods are:

  • Refined grains
  • Highly processed foods
  • Red and processed meat
  • Added sugar and salt
  • Trans fat
  • Alcohol

While there are many others, these are a few that you should take note of.

One thing that you have to note also is the fact that food can be healthy for someone and unhealthy for another person. There are different factors at play to determine this. So the fact that someone is taking a particular diet and is healthy for them doesn’t automatically make it a balanced and healthy diet for you too. For instance, many people will find whole wheat flour a healthy meal for them. However, it is unsuitable and unhealthy for people that have a gluten intolerance.

Health Benefits of Balanced Diet

As mentioned earlier, there are many benefits of a balanced diet for human health. It gives the body energy, strengthens the immune system, helps the body function properly, etc. Some of the other benefits are:

  • Fulfills nutritional needs: Eating a balanced diet with all its varieties gives the body all the nutrients that it needs so that it isn’t nutrient deficient at any point.
  • A specially designed balanced diet can help reduce the symptoms of diseases and help manage sickness and critical health conditions better.
  • Prevents and treats some types of diseases: eating healthy food can help to prevent the body from developing certain conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It is also able to treat high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Manage body weight and feel energetic: a balanced diet makes sure that you feel higher and lighter, providing the body with the energy to carry on the day’s activities while also fighting against stress in the body.

Some tips for eating healthily

  • A significant rule that you must play by for healthy eating is not to skip a meal. When you skip a meal, it reduces your rate of metabolism. Normal eating is a 3 Square meal course with two snacks in between the meals. Of all meals, it’s essential not to skip breakfast. It is the most critical meal in a day.
  • Prepare your food in simple ways. You don’t have to eat complicated food because you want to eat healthily. Make your food preparation as simple as possible. Eat plenty of raw foods too, such as fruits, salads, vegetable juices, etc. Don’t just focus on eating calories.
  • When you are full, stop eating. This is the best way to maintain your body weight, remain alert, and be at your best.
  • Drink a lot of water. Always have a bottle of water around you every time and bring it with you anywhere you go.


A healthy and varied diet will contain a lot of fresh plant-based foods. It will also cut off or limit processed foods to the barest minimum.

If you need to ask questions about your diet or think you should change your eating habits, lose weight, etc. Then you should go and see a dietitian or your doctor to discuss these things with them. They will give the right dietary suggestions and changes that you need to make to keep your body well nutrition for better health. Remember that your diet directly impacts your health.

Author Bio

Emily Harrison is one of the most influential editors of an essay writing service in London. She has been working in this company since 2006, helping with an essay paper. Her hobby is reading books. Besides that, Emily is fond of sports and music. She is a very positive person.



Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations, according to a study published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). This report highlights that very few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day, putting them at risk for chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that supplementation with extracts from fruits and vegetables may improve inflammation and oxidative stress.

NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at


Food For Thought: 6 Super Foods For Memory and Brain Function

 We all strive to eat consciously, but are we clued in to how what we are eating makes us conscious? Our brains are just another complex organ, requiring a specific set of nutrients for peak function. Here are brain and memory-boosting superfoods for you to try.

 1) Fatty Fish

 Fatty fish is one of the number one brain foods – fish such as sardines, trout and salmon are all packed with healthy fats that boost your brain function. “What you’re looking for in fatty fish are the omega-3 fatty acids, vital to the functioning of your brain,” says Christina R. Stevens, a writer at Boomessays and Essayroo. “The brain is built on omega-3 – about 30% of it, in fact.”

Omega-3 is literally the stuff your brain is built on, so including these seafood treats in your diet is essential to rebuilding the natural wear and tear caused by aging. Omega-3 has also been linked to preventing brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

2) Chia Seeds

 If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, you might think there’s something a bit fishy about these sources of omega-3. Fortunately these fatty acids are naturally occuring in a number of seeds, so a sprinkle on your salad or porridge in the morning will help you top up on omega-3 and boost your brain.

Chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp are all full of fatty omega-3. Whilst you’ll see a lot of supplements on the market offering a magical dose of omega-3, synthetic vitamins don’t work as our body can’t absorb them. Try to top up on your seeds!

3) Blueberries

 Foraged for millenia by the tribes of the northern hemisphere, there’s a reason why blueberries have been highly prized in traditional cultures. Blueberries are absolutely packed with antioxidants, coming from a compound named anthocyanins (which are also the source of a blueberry’s rich and dark hue).

“Antioxidants perform two valuable functions in our body,” says Thomas Elmer, a health expert at PaperFellows and BigAssignments. “They reduce oxidative stress and act against inflammation.” Both inflammation and oxidative stress contribute to brain aging, something that blueberries are powerful to prevent.

4) Coffee

 Many of us will be familiar with the way a cup of coffee “switches on” our brains in the morning and yes, there’s science to back it up. A steaming hot coffee is packed full of caffeine which has been shown to have a number of positive impacts on brain function.

Caffeine blocks adenosine – a chemical in your brain that leads to fatigue – and coffee is also packed with antioxidants that give your brain a boost. However, you should be careful not to consume too much coffee – caffeine is also an addictive substance and you’ll diminish the positive impact that caffeine can have on mood and brain function if you drink too much.

5) Turmeric

 Turmeric is a musky yellow spice that has long been a core ingredient of Indian curries. It’s produced from a plant named Curcuma longa, a relative of the ginger plant, and it’s found in powdered form. This innocuous ingredient has now been revealed to have superfood properties for the brain.

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin – this powerful substance is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and nourish our brain cells. Curcumin is also anti-inflammatory, and turmeric is the best source of this valuable compound so spice it up!

 6) Dark Chocolate

 No matter how focussed you are on your health, we all need a treat sometimes. So why not turn your after-dinner snack into a brain-boosting superfood while you’re at it? Dark chocolate, and the cocoa powder from which it’s made, is a source of antioxidants and caffeine as well as a group of compounds called flavonoids.

As well as offering the benefits possessed by caffeine and antioxidants, dark chocolate can help to strengthen your memory through these flavonoids. What’s more, chocolate gives our mood a boost, positively affecting our brain chemistry to make us healthier and happier. Treat yourself!

Food For Thought

 We are what we eat, after all. By choosing a conscious diet you can find a whole host of essential nutrients to give your brain a boost. You’ll find better focus, strengthen your memory and restrict brain cells from aging through these superfoods. Can you taste it?

 Lauren Groff is a health writer at Essay Writing Service and She is a nutritionist and well-being expert and thinks it’s more important than ever that we focus on nourishing ourselves. She is also a proofreader at Custom paper writing service UK.



Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations, according to a study published today in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). This report highlights that very few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day, putting them at risk for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

ForwardFooding & FoodTech500

We are thrilled to announce that NutriFusion® ranked #53 of the top 500 companies worldwide in AgriFoodTechnology.  This was the second year in a row, as a finalist for this year’s @ForwardFooding #FoodTech500, the world’s first definitive list of the global entrepreneurial talent at the intersection between food, technology, and sustainability. With over 2000 applicants from over 60 countries, we are so pleased that our innovation within the food system has been recognized and are excited to share this news with you!


 Click HERE For a Complete List (PDF)→


NutriFusion®  just ranked #53 of the top 500 companies worldwide in AgriFoodTechnology and  was in the top 200 in 2019.


Click HERE To View on ForwardFooding →

Mastering Wellness Throughout The Pandemic

Wellness has never been an easy thing to maintain. As humans our enormous capacity to think  and feel is both a blessing and a curse. Often dissatisfied with life, our pursuit of happiness seems a never-ending journey with many a crisis along the way. Needless to say, the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020, now stretching into 2021 too, has had a severe impact on people’s sense of wellbeing around the globe. Dramatic changes in routine, isolation from others, lack of physical contact and constant exposure to anxiety-inducing negative media all play their part in causing this pandemic to have triggered a significant rise in the numbers of people experiencing mental health issues.

While the outside world can seem beyond our control under the grip of this virus, there are many ways in which we can combat the uncertainty and stress that this causes. By making conscious choices about how we respond to this situation and continuing to go about our daily lives as best we can, we can implement a variety of positive strategies that will help us cope.

Begin by focusing on the parts of your life that you can control, or that you do still have access to. Let’s start at the break of day, by establishing a routine that will ensure a positive initial mood that will influence the rest of your day. Psychology writer Anne Bromwich at Write My X and 1day2write suggests “Waking up to a natural light source and taking fifteen minutes to evaluate what you have that you are grateful for (for example, sunshine if it is sunny or a roof over your head if it is not!) before engaging with any form of media that could set a negative tone will encourage a positive outlook from the get-go.”

If Coronavirus regulations mean that you are now required to work from home, your next step as you set about your work is to create a routine that separates your restful home space from your focused office space. Schedule your time to allow yourself breaks to top up your wellbeing levels without slipping into bad habits. Stress makes us crave sugary snacks which are all too available when your new desk is within arm’s length of your fridge, so plan to take a timed lunch break to de-connect and treat your mind and body to something nutritious instead. If you can, it is also an excellent idea to fit short walks into your day as exposure to nature is one of the most soothing tools we have. Not only will getting outside keep you fit and healthy physically, but the vitamin D from the sun and the phytocides released by the plants will boost your happiness and your immune system.

On top of benefitting from consistent routines, antioxidant-rich meals and a natural environment, humans are also very social creatures. Make time to connect with your friends and family virtually through creative use of technology, so that the physical distancing that Covid-19 has enforced does not have to mean complete social isolation. This can be a time used to forge stronger bonds and create positive new traditions that will last for years to come. A top tip from Bradley Chavez, a lifestyle blogger at PhD Kingdom  and Britstudent is to have dinner over zoom with your loved ones, creating “an interactive and natural activity for all to participate in, that is both productive and positive, steering conversation away from stressful news topics and towards being present in communicating your sensory experiences.”

And when we then come to the end of what could either be a full and stressful day, or an empty and lonely one, it is important to consider how we treat ourselves before settling in for the night too. Aim to practice a form of calming self-care such as meditation, yoga or dancing to music to help yourself unwind. Then, help yourself get the best night’s sleep that you can by adhering to a regular bedtime and leaving your electronic devices outside the room, creating a dark and cozy retreat.

Though we cannot expect to feel our best every day in times like these, there is much to be said for the simple things we can do for ourselves that will help us keep our heads above water. Good sleep, nutrition, exercise, connection and routine can work wonders in reducing both the  physical and mental responses to  stress, such as inflammation, sickness and depression. Give yourself the best chance for wellbeing you can by practicing our suggestions, and see how your outlook changes.

A respected consultant in e-learning, Regina Wheeler writes at Assignment Writing Services and Coursework Help where she shares the expertise garnered from her many projects. Regina  enjoys delving into the complexities of management, marketing and finances, and also writes for NextCoursework in her spare time.


Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations, according to a study published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). This report highlights that very few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day, putting them at risk for chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that supplementation with extracts from fruits and vegetables may improve inflammation and oxidative stress.

NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at








Maintaining a Healthy Diet During Chemotherapy

Being the literal lifesaver, it is, chemotherapy can be one’s best bet to fight off numerous types of cancer. With that being said, chemotherapy also brings its own host of issues while it attacks cancerous cells, something anyone who’s gone through it knows all too well.

One of more significant challenges brought on by chemo is a person ability to maintain a healthy diet. This is due to the wide range of problems brought on by chemo that interfere with eating habits. Chemo can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, appetite loss, dry mouth, sore throat, loss of taste and smell and fluctuation of weight. All inhibiting your ability to maintain a healthy diet.

The infographic below, 20 Healthy Diet Tips for Chemotherapy, is important reading for anyone who is undergoing or soon to undergo chemotherapy. The tips are easy to follow and simple enough to keep in mind. Anything that will make eating more enjoyable and more nutritious during the course of treatment will be beneficial as you will feel stronger and healthier to fight off the cancer and side effects of chemo.

  1. Water may become distasteful; try flavored water or adding lemon.
  2. Get enough protein — eggs, beans and fish may taste better than meat.
  3. Eliminate junk food and empty calories.
  4. Try new foods; they might stimulate your sense of taste.
  5. Eat soft foods, including protein milkshakes, if you’re having trouble swallowing.
  6. If you’re gaining weight, eat lots of vegetables and low-fat foods.
  7. If you’re losing weight, eat lots of oatmeal, hummus, nut butters and yogurt.
  8. Take multivitamins if you are not able to eat enough food.
  9. For mouth sores, stick with soft foods and avoid citrus and tomato-based foods.
  10. For dry mouth, ask your doctor for an appropriate mouth rinse.
  11. Fight constipation with high-fiber foods and plenty of water.
  12. Fight diarrhea by avoiding caffeine, raw vegetables, sugary drinks and caffeine.
  13. Avoid alcohol — It interferes with chemo treatments and contributes to nausea.
  14. Avoid spicy, greasy and sugary foods.
  15. Don’t drink too much green tea; Its antioxidants may disrupt chemo treatments.
  16. Wash raw foods thoroughly to prevent infections.
  17. Don’t eat foods past their expiration date.
  18. Don’t eat food from bulk bins or salad bars.
  19. Consult your doctor about consumption of soy products.
  20. Consult your doctor or a registered dietician if you continue to have problems.

Consulting a physician or a dietician to plan out your diet is always recommended. This guide does not exist to take the place of the experts, but it can be a good start. Continue reading the guide for dietary inspiration.

Food That Boost Brain Power and Immune System

Your immune system and brain power depend on many things, and your diet is just a part of it. However, it’s a component you have full control over. 

The old maxim of ‘we are what we eat’ persists for a good reason. Making sure you’re keeping your menu balanced year-round can make a lot of difference in how you feel in your daily life.

Let’s examine how nutrition can help you stay healthy and promote brain function and share some of the best food for general well-being.

Food & Immune System

Fueling your body with good food guarantees a sound immune system ready to fend off illnesses. While you can’t avoid the flu and every cold that comes your way by eating well, you can become strong enough to bounce back in no time.

Eating for immunity is simple, too. Generally, the body requires specific amounts of different micronutrients to keep running smoothly. Get enough of these, and it’ll respond by keeping you fit and disease-free.

Another thing to consider is inflammation. While it’s a useful mechanism, helping you fight off toxins, once it becomes chronic, it can be a problem. 

It could lead to all sorts of aches and pains, deteriorating your protection mechanisms in the process. Luckily, food can also do wonders for reducing inflammation.

Food & Brain Power

There’s no magic pill for preventing cognitive decline as you age. However, scientists are optimistic, emphasizing the importance of a healthy diet for providing lasting brain power.

As a rule of thumb:

  • Include many fruits and veggies, legumes, and whole grains in every meal.
  • Try to avoid red meat but get your protein from fish or plant sources. 
  • Choose healthy fats rather than saturated ones. 

By eating this way, you’re protecting your heart and blood vessels. As a result, you’re getting more oxygen in your brain, making it function more effortlessly.


Some foods are particularly rich in brain power ingredients, like vitamin B, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. Incorporating these in your diet translates into better mental function. 

Top Health Foods

When it comes to building a healthy nutrition pattern, as long as you’re focusing on whole, plant-based ingredients most of the time, you’re good to go. 

However, numerous studies confirm the effects these foods can have on immunity and brain health:

  • Leafy greens – Plants such as spinach and kale boast high iron and folate levels, supporting your mind and your body.
  • Berries –  These are full of antioxidants, boosting your memory and coordination. 
  • Nuts –  Research shows that a handful of nuts can help with brain fog and boost clarity. 
  • Seeds –  Packed with antioxidants and vitamin E, these improve your mental function and keep you clear of toxins. 
  • Garlic –  Multiple studies confirmed the immunity-strengthening aspect of garlic. Some also suggest it could prevent dementia onset. 
  • Whole grains –  The amounts of vitamin B found in these are a fantastic energy source, helping you maintain concentration and improve digestion. 

The list can continue to infinity. If you don’t know where to start, swap some unhealthy ingredients with these foods.

Eating for Health

Changing habits is quite a feat. Even if you’re 100% aware of the benefits you’ll yield, it’s hard to make yourself start eating better. 

The essential thing to remember is that you don’t have to introduce every change at once. You can make it a challenge to avoid fried foods for a week or start eating a piece of fruit a day. Once one habit sets, go on to the next. 

If you lead a busy life and don’t have enough time to cook at home, start by focusing on snacks. You could also purchase a blender that’s best for smoothies and drink your berries and chia seeds. These small changes add up in the long run.

The Bottom Line

A healthy, balanced, nutritious diet is one of the main things you can do for yourself. You can protect your body from illnesses and prevent premature mental decline by changing what’s on your plate.

So, incorporate more whole foods into your day. Focus on nutrients that serve, and you’ll stay fit and sharp deep into retirement.


Nutrifusion Helps:

Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations, according to a study published today in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). This report highlights that very few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day, putting them at risk for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent way to reduce inflammation. 

NutriFusion develops allnatural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

Eye Health 101: Complete Guide To Seeing Clearly And Eating Clean

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Although it is often something that we tend to take for granted, eye health is a major health concern that gets overlooked. Because our eyes are organs, there are certain steps you should take to nourish and protect them. From your nutrition to yearly medical checkups, read below for the complete guide on learning the foundations of eye health and what you can eat to support such an important part of your body.

Foundation of eye health

According to the Southwestern Eye Center, our eyes are made up of over 2 million working parts. That being said, these are complex organs that are influenced by many factors of your daily life. Below are a few best practices to set the foundation for strong eyes now and in the long-term:

Get enough sleep: Our eyes rely on sleep to function, so not getting enough sleep can open the door for infections and uncomfortable conditions like dry eye, twitches, or spasms. Getting the recommended amount of sleep will ensure your eyes are properly lubricated as well as enhancing your mood and focus.

See a professional yearly: It is recommended to receive an annual eye exam to ensure that your vision needs are being met and that any new or underlying eye conditions can be professionally evaluated. Many people will experience vision changes throughout their lives, so yearly examination guarantees up-to-date prescriptions and treatments.

Healthy digital device use: As technology becomes more ingrained into our daily lives, it’s crucial to consider how the light from these screens may be impacting our eyes. Blue light emitted from digital devices can cause digital eye strain and even disrupt your body’s natural sleep cycle. Utilize blue light blocking screen protectors and put your phone down 30 minutes prior to bedtime to help combat some of the negative effects of this type of exposure.

Use quality eye-care products: There are over 12 million people over the age of 40 with vision impairments in the United States alone, so investing in quality eye care products is an important step in preserving your eyesight. Matters like discussing the best contact options available is important in personalizing your eyes’ needs and feeling comfortable considering that not all types of lenses are created equally or with the same material. Certain health conditions or vision impairments will need special recommendations for contacts or glasses wearers alike, so understanding the requirements needed in your vision aid products is crucial.

Nutrition and your eyes

In addition to the previous steps mentioned above to set a strong foundation for your eye care, your diet and nutrition play a key role in how clearly you see. Nutrition helps in 3 key components—prevention, maintenance, and enhancement:

Prevention: Vitamins are an important aspect of any balanced diet, but did you know that certain vitamins actually can help prevent different eye-related conditions? The American Optometric Association states that vitamin C can specifically help to prevent cataract development, which is age-related cloudiness in the lens of the eye. Similarly, studies have shown that Zinc can help prevent age-related macular degeneration. Using quality nutrient blends, like Nutrifusion, can conveniently offer you a plethora of vitamins necessary to safeguard your eyesight and overall health.

 Maintenance: Nutrients like Lutein & Zeaxanthin are important for the maintenance of your vision as they work to maintain the health of your eye cells. These nutrients can be found in leafy greens and eggs. Additionally, a consistent source of vitamin A helps our eyes translate the images we perceive.

Enhancement: Specific foods are known to improve your vision, so incorporating them into your daily meals is an easy form of eye health self-care. The omega-3 fatty acids from fish, vitamin E properties in nuts, and vitamin C in citrus fruits can all help boost your vision.


Practicing proactive eye health measures and fueling your body with the necessary vitamins and foods to protect your eyes can ensure you’ll both see and feel brighter. Eyesight is something that is hard to regain once lost, so prioritize your vision today and take the first steps in protecting this important sense.


NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for when you don’t have access to fresh produce…and even when you do to improve your vitamin intake. Sourcing only whole, non-GMO foods, NutriFusion offers consumers a concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient blends. With a farm-to-table philosophy, NutriFusion’s proprietary process stabilizes the nutrients from perishable fruits and vegetables, allowing a longer shelf life and access, even during a shelter in place order, to vital nutrients.

NutriFusion fruit and/or vegetable powders are for use in foods, beverages, supplements and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at


The Impact Of COVID-19 on Our Eating Habits

COVID-19 has impacted our daily lives in so many ways that healthy eating habits have fallen by the wayside for a lot of people. Even those who typically focus a great deal on health and nutrition are in many cases paying a little less attention to their diets. We simply have too many other things to be concerned with of late (and let’s be honest, we’ve all needed to indulge in a bit of comfort eating!).

This is all understandable. But it also makes it worthwhile to stop now and then consider just how all of this is changing our eating habits. COVID-19 has brought about some changes in this regard — some having to do with current habits, and others setting us up for changes in the future.

Eating More Sugar (While it’s Worse for Us)

We’ll begin with an unfortunate negative side effect of COVID-19, which is that it has led many people to turn to sugar. Now, to be fair, the sugar situation in our diets is a little bit more complex than it sometimes gets credit for. The idea that all sugar is simply bad is not accurate, and in fact nutritionists agree that some natural sugar is “part of a healthy diet for most people.” For the purposes of this discussion though, we’re referring to added sugars, which should be consumed in minimal amounts (less than 25 grams per day) if at all.

Unfortunately, it’s this sort of excess sugar that people are consuming more of during the pandemic. According to an examination of why sugar is worse for you during COVID-19, surveys have indicated that as many as 31% of us are changing dietary habits due to stress. Stress eating often leads to more sugar consumption, as sugary foods can be comforting. In act, there are even chemical and brain-related reasons we reach for sugar in times of stress. But this is a poor dietary habit, and potentially a very harmful one. Regarding why it’s particularly problematic during a pandemic, the bottom line is that sugar can lead to or exacerbate heart conditions, obesity, and type 2 diabetes — all of which put us at greater risk from COVID-19.

Increased Snacking

The notion that people are snacking more relates pretty directly to that of eating more sugar. We’re stressed out, we’re seeking small comforts, and snacks — even the non-sugary ones — can provide it. Furthermore, many of us are spending a lot more time at home than usual, which makes it extremely easy to sneak off to the pantry for a pretzel or a few handfuls of chips a few times a day. These, too, are poor habits. Disciplined, healthy snacking is possible, and when it’s not excessive it can be part of a healthy diet. But COVID-related snacking is more likely to revolve around comfort foods, which generally aren’t doing us many favors.

More Home Cooking

On a more positive note, the pandemic has also led to more home cooking and meal preparation. This can actually be a surprisingly difficult thing to prove, but in this case grocery and supply sales prove it. Early in the pandemic, from February to March, food retail jumped more than 25%. In April it was still 10% higher than it had been pre-pandemic. Additionally, kitchen supply stores have seen more sales in a clear indication that more people are cooking up their own meals and realizing a need for new equipment.

We should also note that sales of frozen food and snacks have also spiked noticeably, which means not all of this shopping is indicative of more cooking. But home meal preparation is undoubtedly up, and there is clearly a cooking component to this change. By and large, this should make for a healthy change.

A Shifting Focus Toward Food Trucks

A shifting focus toward food trucks is another change we’re starting to see now, as well as one that will likely continue into the post-pandemic days. Reports in recent months have indicated that restaurant owners are turning to food trucks as a means of serving customers while COVID-19 is still a major risk. The simple fact is that people are wary of eating in restaurants, and in some cases still prohibited from doing so. But food trucks can cater to these same customers with much less risk. As a result, many are slowly getting into the habit of patronizing food trucks when they might otherwise have gone to restaurants.

We also see this trend continuing simply because it offers a more affordable avenue for people in the restaurant business. Starting a food truck business has a low initial investment cost when compared to a brick-and-mortar restaurant — and there’s also a greater profit margin. Given that restaurants have been hit extremely hard by the pandemic, these will likely prove to be irresistible benefits. Aspiring restaurant owners, struggling restaurant owners, and even those who have been driven out of business will all consider trying the food truck route. In the long run, this may mean that we’ll all get in the habit of simpler experiences dining out, potentially with more options.

More Strategic Shopping

The COVID-19 experience has also led us to shop more strategically, and this too may be a trend that sticks. The first indication of this was actually the focus on cleanliness. Recommendations to clean produce carefully and wipe down groceries in the early days of the pandemic took hold with many, and made us focus more on product quality and freshness. Following this, many also learned to plot out their grocery trips more carefully, given efforts to shop less frequently, and avoid actually going into stores when possible. Essentially, we have all been trained to wash produce, be mindful of quality, plan out our shopping needs, and buy only what we need.

This is not to say we won’t return to more wasteful or less quality-oriented habits. But this last change is one that should make us healthier and more sustainable food shoppers in the long term.

Written for by Jennifer Victoria 

Jennifer is a personal trainer and life coach operating out of the Bay Area. Her primary areas of expertise are physical fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, and motivation.

NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for when you don’t have access to fresh produce…and even when you do to improve your vitamin intake. Sourcing only whole, non-GMO foods, NutriFusion offers consumers a concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient blends. With a farm-to-table philosophy, NutriFusion’s proprietary process stabilizes the nutrients from perishable fruits and vegetables, allowing a longer shelf life and access, even during a shelter in place order, to vital nutrients.

NutriFusion fruit and/or vegetable powders are for use in foods, beverages, supplements and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at