How Is Human Immunity Related To What We Eat?

How Is Human Immunity Related To What We Eat?

What a person eats primarily affects his or her microbiome. The microbiome is microorganisms that live in the gut. The gut mucosa produces immunoglobulins that neutralize viruses and bacteria that enter the body. Accordingly, the health of the mucosa, on which 70% of the immune system depends, is affected by our microbiota. And what we eat affects the microbiota. If you turn this whole chain the other way around, it turns out that everything we eat directly affects our immunity.

So, in order to improve our immunity, we need to create the best possible conditions for our microbiota to live and grow and suppress pathogenic microflora.

What Foods Should Be Excluded From The Diet?

First of all, sugar, all refined products such as flour and white rice, as well as industrial oils. The fact is that sugar and flour promote the development of pathogenic microflora, which imbalances the microbiota, respectively reducing immunity. In addition, we usually eat sugar, not in its pure form, but as part of various dishes, whether they are candies, cakes, or sauces. It can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Hence, it will produce fewer immunoglobulins. Industrial oils contribute to internal inflammatory processes. You should also exclude alcohol. It loads the liver, which throws all its forces to neutralize alcohol and its removal from the body instead of performing its natural functions. Therefore, it is better to refuse a glass of wine in the evening during a period of reduced immunity.


What Should The Diet Be Like?

The key to a healthy microbiota and high immunity is a varied diet rich in fiber, proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates. Such a diet will supply the body with all the necessary nutrients, necessary for the proper course of biochemical and physiological processes.

  • It is necessary to make sure that the plate always contains:
  • protein: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, vegetable proteins (beans, chickpeas, and others);
  • fiber, which is primarily found in vegetables, greens, and fruits – in cooked and raw form;
  • fats: nuts, oils, avocados, and others;
  • complex carbohydrates to maintain blood sugar – cereals and grains.
  • don’t forget your drinking regimen: it’s about pure water.


And improvise! It is very important to eat a variety of foods. You should choose different vegetables, sources of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Focus on seasonal foods, so you’ll keep up with our biological seasonal rhythms. Also add fermented foods like sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, and other fermented vegetables, homemade yogurt, and kombucha to your diet to boost your immune system.

Is Natural Sugar Contained In Honey, Natural Syrups, And Dried Fruit Useful?

In moderate amounts, honey and natural syrups (e.g., topinambur or agave) will not cause much harm to a healthy person – if, of course, you eat them as a dessert and not replace your main meals with them. But they are of little use.


Dried fruit is a very healthy product, but only if prepared according to traditional recipes and dried in natural conditions. Dried fruits of industrial production, unfortunately, are often treated with glucose syrup. This makes them prettier and sweeter in taste. They are also treated to prevent the formation of mold and fungi. This antibiotic, when eaten, can also damage our microbiota.

Should We Eliminate Meat?

There is no scientific evidence that radical avoidance of meat can boost the immune system and make the body healthier. It’s true that for some people, switching to an exclusively plant-based diet is successful – due to genetics, lifestyle, and other reasons – but it’s not suitable for everyone. It is very important for people to get enough protein. To exclude meat is to expose your body to a deficiency, which leads to a decrease in immunity.

Garlic, Honey, Turmeric – A Cure-all?

There is no panacea for all diseases. People often give some products mystical properties: garlic, turmeric, maca powder, broccoli. But this only works on a psychological level: it seems to people that they are protected. But if without changing anything in your lifestyle (eating unbalanced food) and not following the regime of the day, you suddenly start to eat huge amounts of garlic and turmeric, then it will not help you in any way. These foods work only as a good supplement to all of the above. Only in the overall picture of a proper diet they can support your body. Also, some people (e.g., those with an imbalanced microbiota, where the growth of bacteria in the small intestine is increased) are advised to avoid garlic altogether.

Is It Worth Giving Up Coffee?

Coffee is a controversial product. Scientists talk about its benefits and harms. Coffee in large quantities is harmful to the body. It irritates the intestinal walls and so on. But if you drink it in moderation, then for a healthy person eliminating coffee from the diet will not play a big role. In addition, in times of crisis and in difficult situations, the rejection of something not very harmful, but familiar, will turn into great stress for the body and, as a consequence, again a decrease in immunity. If you think that coffee somehow negatively affects your health, exclude it for a while and observe how it will affect you.

Bio, Rebecca Carter:

Rebecca Carter works at uk essay writing service as a content writer. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and during her study developed an enthusiasm for writing articles about Wellness, Vitamins and Meditation. When she is not writing Rebecca enjoys being in the mountains and volunteering.



Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations, according to a study published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). This report highlights that very few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day, putting them at risk for chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that supplementation with extracts from fruits and vegetables may improve inflammation and oxidative stress.

NutriFusion develops allnatural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

Learn about Essential Vegan Supplements and Vitamins to Include in Your Diet

Vegans no longer eat animal products, such as eggs, meat, dairy, and other foods with an animal source, including honey and gelatin. However, veganism is much more about food choices. If you opt to become a vegan for environmental, ethical, or health reasons, you do not use animal products such as wool, silk, fur, leather, and some cosmetics and soaps.

Your Journey to Improved Health

You must plan your vegan diet well for it to provide fulfillment to your beliefs and to enjoy a healthier and longer life. It should offer the following health benefits:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduced cholesterol levels
  • Decreased intake of saturated fats
  • Enhanced vital nutrition
  • Curbed risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and some cancers
  • Healthier weight

You must pay special attention to your vegan lifestyle because you may not get enough vitamins and minerals, especially those found in animal products. You can avoid health risks by eating a balanced diet and focus on the following nutrients in your diet.


This mineral has a significant role in producing red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. Excellent sources of iron include broccoli, beans, wheat, raisins, and tofu. You may also get your iron requirements from iron-fortified cereals. Non-meat sources are also rich in iron, but they are challenging to digest. Pair iron intake with vitamin C because the latter helps your body absorb the mineral.

Your doctor may suggest iron supplements if you have rock-bottom iron levels in your body. However, excessive iron intake can damage your gastrointestinal system and may result in iron toxicity. Accumulating iron in your organs can be fatal because it harms your brain and liver. Therefore, you must consult your doctor about consuming iron supplements.


Protein is another essential body component in your skin, organs, bones, and muscles. If you cannot eat dairy and meat, you must ensure that you consume amino acids, the building blocks of protein. You can get your protein requirement from peanut butter, nuts, grains, seeds, and legumes. For non-animal products, you can try soymilk and tofu. You should ensure that you have complete protein to maintain your metabolism.


Your body needs calcium for strong bones and prevents osteoporosis, a disease known to weaken or break your bones. You can consume soybeans, bok choy, broccoli, and kale to get enough calcium. You may also drink calcium-fortified juices and soymilk or take calcium supplements.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is vital for your bone health and helps in calcium absorption. Moreover, it promotes bone growth. You may expose yourself to sunlight for about ten minutes thrice a week. If you wish to take more vitamin D, you can search for fortified products, such as cereals, rice milk, and soymilk.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 prevents anemia and aids in the production of red blood cells. You can find it in fish, meat, shellfish, and dairy products. You may opt to eat fortified foods, including some cereals and soymilk. A word of caution from dissertation writing services: you must talk to your doctor about your Vitamin B12 supplement intake.


Your immune system needs zinc, and you can find it in soy products, nuts, and beans. Phytates occurring in some cereals and legumes can hamper zinc absorption.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 improves your brain function and heart health. Oil and flaxseed meals are excellent sources, but you can also search for fortified food products from a plant source. According to an assignment writer, you can also check with your doctor about taking supplements containing omega-3.

Omega-3 fatty acids also provide the following benefits:

  • Helps in the neurodevelopment of infants and children
  • Avoids dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease
  • Reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is helpful in wound healing and blood clotting. Vitamin K-1 is plentiful in several plants, including dark leafy green vegetables. On the other hand, Vitamin K-2 is present in egg yolks and some dairy products. You may get your Vitamin K-2 from fermented foods, such as natto, raw sauerkraut, vegan kimchi, unpasteurized kombucha, and plant-based kefir. Vitamin K deficiency may not be an issue because your gut bacteria can convert vitamin K-1 to vitamin K-2.


Iodine makes your thyroid gland healthy, and you can find it in small amounts in plants, depending on the type of soil where they grow. You may also get your iodine requirement from seaweed. Eating sushi with seaweed a few times a week is sufficient for your iodine needs. You may wish to talk to your doctor about taking an iodine supplement.


You only need small amounts of selenium to prevent cell damage caused by infection. However, according to some dissertation writers uk, you must speak with your doctor before taking a selenium supplement. Generally, you get the required amounts from cereals, bread, and other grains.


Beta-carotene becomes vitamin A in your body, and you know that vitamin A plays a significant role in your reproduction, immune system, and vision. It also ensures your organs function properly. Try to talk to your physician about taking a supplement because you may not need it. You can get beta-carotene from the food you eat. Carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, winter squash, cantaloupe, and green leafy vegetables and fruits are excellent sources of bet-carotene.

Some Considerations for Excellent Health

You must make balanced choices if you want to enjoy a lifetime of exceptional health. You can shy away from junk foods and eat high-quality foods rich in nutrients. If you have nutritional issues, such as changes in your hair, skin, or weight, you must talk to your doctor. If you have diabetes and other special needs, you must consult your physician before jumpstarting your vegan diet to help you make outstanding nutritional choices.

About the Author

Emily Harrinson is oozing with positivity that is evident in her work as an influential editor in London. She started work in a big company as one of the professional paper writers in 2006 and has been producing prolific dissertation service since then. She reads books as a hobby and dabbles in music and sports too.


About NutriFusion

NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for when you do not have access to fresh produce…and even when you do to improve your vitamin intake. Sourcing only whole, non-GMO foods, NutriFusion offers consumers a concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient blends. With a farm-to-table philosophy, NutriFusion’s proprietary process stabilizes the nutrients from perishable fruits and vegetables, allowing a longer shelf life and access to vital nutrients.

NutriFusion fruit and/or vegetable powders are for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

Plant-Based Vs. Animal-Based Products: Advantages and Disadvantages


Many people are exploring different kinds of diet today to fit their lifestyle, schedules, and even principles in life. The two main diet categories depend on what type of food could be consumed which are either plant-based or animal-based products. There are a lot to be considered when changing or adhering to a certain diet because it would mean adapting and staying consistent to consuming food products that you might not be used to. Aside from the nutritional factor, the budget for food must also be taken into consideration since it would affect how you usually manage your finances. To help you evaluate what kind of diet would work best for you, we have come up with both pros and cons of plant-based and animal-based products below. Let’s start digging in!


This is perhaps the most important factor that should be well thought out before deciding on what diet to take. While meat is rich in iron and zinc, plants contain a more sufficient and wide array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Supplements would be needed to get the nutrients that are harder to absorb when in a plant-based diet.

Aside from the fact that it would be difficult to do away with animal products, there’s a risk of nutritional deficiencies when the right intake of plant-based products is not planned correctly. This will certainly affect how you feel and look. Though, when successful, there are a ton of benefits to enjoy which include lowering the risks of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.

On the harder hand, animal-based products boast the amount of protein it can give to the body which is vital for cell and tissue regeneration. The protein from animals can also be better absorbed by the digestive system compared to those obtained from plants. However, remember that animal proteins contain higher fat content which contributes to health problems that could appear in the future such as blood pressure issues and heart disease. Animal proteins can also overwhelm uric acid levels which could crystallize and cause severe pain. These situations can be prevented when animal proteins are taken moderately. Planning, coupled with discipline, is key to eating healthy which is beneficial for your skin and body as a whole.


It is no secret that plant agriculture has a more positive impact on the environment than animal agriculture which usually requires more resources, emitting more production-related greenhouse gasses (GHG). These GHGs are nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane among others. For instance, beef emits the highest levels of GHG followed by lamb and mutton according to the Our World in Data report. Moreover, one beef cow raised for slaughter takes more than 5,000 gallons of water which could already be used for growing several plants.



Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations, according to a study published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). This report highlights that very few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day, putting them at risk for chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that supplementation with extracts from fruits and vegetables may improve inflammation and oxidative stress.

NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet is One of the Most Important Things Students Can Do to Protect their Health

When you ask most people around the world what it takes to be healthy, you’ll probably hear them talking about a healthy balanced diet. But what does that mean? For some people, it might mean avoiding junk food like fries and burgers. For other people, it might mean avoiding sugary foods such as candy and ice cream. When you get different answers to the same question, you can end up confused or worse, consume an unhealthy diet. In this post, we are going to talk about the benefits of consuming a healthy diet and how students can protect their health in the long run. Let’s get started!

Defining healthy eating habits

A healthy diet is usually comprised of whole foods. This means that students should consume foods that are closest to their original form. When food is processed or refined, its fiber, minerals, and vitamins get stripped and in most instances, preservatives are added. Research studies have found that plant-based diets are the best for the body because they lower the risk of chronic diseases since they usually include essential nutrients like potassium and healthy fiber. Students can cultivate a good relationship with food when they focus on adding to their plate foods that will improve their health such as berries and nuts.

A healthy diet and academic performance

To get good grades and achieve your goals, you need to consume healthy foods. In America, obesity continues to be a major problem with 34 percent of adults above the age of 20 being overweight. Changing the food and drinks that you consume will promote health and wellbeing. Students who consume healthy foods tend to perform better than their counterparts who consume junk and soda every day. It’s difficult to achieve your goals without good health. Keep in mind that health is not your birthright but something that you earn every day depending on your eating patterns and regular activities.

A healthy diet and mental health

A healthy diet does not just promote physical health but also mental health. Various research studies have shown that food choices have a huge impact on mental health. A research study conducted by Clinical Nutrition Research found out that diets rich in minerals and vitamins reduce the risk of various mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder.

A healthy diet and weight management

Being obese or overweight have been linked to a wide range of health conditions. According to the CDC, having a high body mass index means that you need to lose weight. Fortunately, consuming a high-quality diet can help you achieve your goals. Thanks to dissertation help, you can start eating mindfully. Don’t eat too fast or when you’re feeling full.

Benefits of a healthy lifestyle

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle cannot be ignored. Students who make healthy food decisions lower their risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, anxiety, and depression. You’ll feel better about yourself and you’ll have more energy every day. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a healthy diet reduces the chances of early death by 56 percent. Nutritionists define a healthy diet as comprised of whole grains, nuts, vegetables, fish, and fruits. On the other hand, regular intake of junk and processed meats greatly increase the risk of early death.

Changing and improving your eating habits

fruits and vegetable vegetable powders whole food food trends clean eating colored fruits and vegetables rainbow colors

If you’ve formed the habit of eating unhealthy foods regularly, it can be difficult to change your eating habits. However, it’s not impossible. Here are a few steps that you need to take to achieve your goal:

1.       Create a plan for your healthy diet

The most effective way to change your eating habits is by creating a solid plan of action. As the popular saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. You need to create a plan that you can follow in the long run. Don’t be too harsh on yourself.

2.       Save money by carrying packed lunch

Instead of spending a few dollars buying junk food and soda for lunch, you should consider bringing your lunch to school. It’s one of the best ways to achieve your goal while saving thousands of dollars in the long run. You don’t have to cook every morning. All you need to do is pack your dinner leftovers. You can delegate tasks to essay writing service UK to find time to prepare a healthy dinner.

3.       Don’t buy unhealthy foods

If you have unhealthy foods in your kitchen or fridge, now is the best time to do away with them. You need to think of investing in high-quality foods only. This will reduce the chances of eating junk and falling back to your old habits. Before visiting the grocery store, make a shopping list that largely includes fruits and vegetables.

4.       Take baby steps

You need to focus on setting small goals that you can easily achieve. For instance, you can set a goal of consuming vegetables and fruits before supper or a smoothie every morning. It can be difficult to change your eating habits especially if you were used to consuming unhealthy foods regularly. Taking baby steps will ensure that you achieve your goals without a lot of struggle.

5.       Monitor your food choices

One of the best ways to monitor your food choices is by starting a journal. This journal is not about tracking calories but helping you to know more about your food habits. Understanding your habits is an essential step towards food behavioral changes. Revisiting your food diary regularly will help you become aware of your food choices and help you eliminate unhealthy ones.

Some of the foods that you need to include in your diet are:

  • Fruits: mango, bananas, melons, berries, and apples
  • Legumes: Lentils, beans, hummus, dried peas
  • Whole grains: Whole grain bread, millet, brown rice, quinoa, and amaranth
  • Nuts and seeds: cashew nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, and sunflower


Students need to consume a healthy diet to live longer and become successful. By following the tips that we’ve discussed in this post, you’ll not only help yourself but the world too.

Author Bio:

Emily Harrinson is one of the most influential editors at custom essay service in the online world. She has been working in this company since 2006. Her hobby is reading books. But besides that, Emily is fond of sports and music. She is a very positive person.



NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for when you do not have access to fresh produce…and even when you do to improve your vitamin intake. Sourcing only whole, non-GMO foods, NutriFusion offers consumers a concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient blends. With a farm-to-table philosophy, NutriFusion’s proprietary process stabilizes the nutrients from perishable fruits and vegetables, allowing a longer shelf life and access to vital nutrients.

NutriFusion fruit and/or vegetable powders are for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

8 Best First Foods for Babies

Your baby is growing up every day. World Health Organization recommend to feed breastmilk for six months, and later introduce family foods. As a mother, you are worried about your baby’s health and want to give him/her proper nutrition, right? Picking healthy food on the first bite is vital since healthy foods play a crucial role to ensure the baby’s proper nutrition.

We are going to share the best foods that contain vital nutrients for a growing baby. So, without wasting time let’s get started with their names and later describe the benefits of how they help on baby’s development.

Top 8 Best First Foods for Babies

  • Egg.
  • Broccoli.
  • Yogurt.
  • Sweet Potato.
  • Green Beans.
  • Banana.
  • Squash.
  • Apples.


Broccoli is an amazing food choice for your baby. This green veggie contains less cholesterol, produce vitamin D, helps remove detoxification, fight against inflammation and lot more. Broccoli is a highly recommended food for a 6 to 12 months old baby.


Yogurt is also tasty and healthy first food for babies. The yogurt is mostly made of cow milk and fruits. You can prepare homemade yogurt or you buy readymade yogurt from a grocery store. If you want to know more, check out the top 10 best yogurts for baby reviews.

The whole milk yogurts are made by bacterial fermentation of cow’s milk and it contains a lot of beneficial probiotics that improve baby’s diegetic capabilities. Also, yogurt is high in protein and calcium which helps to achieve stronger bones.

Moreover, research has shown yogurt improves blood sugar control and helps reduce cholesterol levels. We recommend dairy yogurt as the baby’s first food.

Green Beans

If you are serving green beans to your baby, he/she is getting a large number of essential nutrients which helps babies preventing from various disease such as common cold or flu, asthma, ear infection. Besides, the research found that green beans have potent health-supporting antioxidants to protect the baby from illness.


Bananas are pretty ideal baby food. Bananas are sweet, soft, and easy to swallow. Also, it is a great source of potassium and fiber. Bananas are very easy to prepare as baby puree, just peel and punch with fingers, that’s it!


Squash comes in a lot of varieties; it is highly delicious and the healthiest first food for the little ones. The squash has many variants such as Kabocha, Hubbard, Delicata, and Acorn are all part of winter squash. Winter squash benefits the blood sugar level, prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve baby moods.

Sweet Potato

When it comes to baby’s first food, sweet potato comes at the top of the list. The nutritional value of a sweet potato is outstanding and the sweet taste makes ideal first food for babies. It contains vitamin C, minerals, potassium, vitamin E, calcium, and folate. Due to the high fiber content, it assists the digastric system and aid in regular bowel movements.


An egg is another healthy food for a baby’s health. The yolk of an egg contains choline which helps in a baby’s brain development and the white part is consists of protein which boosts the energy level of a baby.


Apples are cute and yummy. It is not only healthy first food for a baby but also it is easily digestible and possesses immunity-boosting nutrition. Besides, apple contains a large amount of polyphenols and phytonutrients which increase a baby’s immunity system which enables power to fight against infant illness and diseases. In addition, the apple carries soluble fiber which protects a baby from diarrhea and other stomach-related diseases.


These are the eight foods that are highly healthy for a baby when he/she start taking food for the first time. You must blend all baby foods before feeding them. Enjoy happy parenting!

Author Bio:

Hi, my name is Rakibul Niloy the creator of content for Family Smart Guide. I love to share my solutions to first-time mom who struggles and my goal is to share practical tips to survive and thrive of early motherhood days.


NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and vegetable powders that are nutrient dense. They are an excellent source of nutrition and can be added or mixed with the foods above.

Sourcing only whole, non-GMO foods, NutriFusion offers all ages a concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient that blends easily. With a farm-to-table philosophy, NutriFusion’s proprietary process stabilizes the nutrients from perishable fruits and vegetables.

NutriFusion® blends are ideal for toddlers.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

Learn why natural plant-based vitamins work and why synthetics do not!

synthetic vitamins not as good as food based vitamins

There is a trend in taking dietary supplements. People take supplements to make up for the nutrients not gained due to a poor diet or a vegetarian lifestyle. People also take diet pills when they don’t like eating, or they are undergoing a diet.  Dietary supplements are synthetic products that are taken to supplement people’s diet. It can come in a pill, chewable gum, energy bar, tablet, capsule, or liquid.

Many people in the United States favor using diet pills to get synthetic nutrients. The type of synthetic nutrient most targeted by Americans is vitamins. However, there is a raging debate in scientific quarters about the effectiveness of these synthetic vitamins. In this post, we would be collaborating with health researchers at best uk essay writing service on the difference between natural vitamins and synthetic vitamins.

Benefits of Vitamins

Vitamins are nutrients that our bodies need to function optimally. These vitamins are derived from food or supplements as the body cannot produce them on its own. However, they have many benefits for the body, and we have examined some of these benefits below.

  • Vitamin A helps with improving the eyes vision
  • Vitamin B1 contributes immensely in helping us gain energy as it breaks down blood sugar.
  • Vitamin B2 helps to break down food and also aids the growth of body cells.
  • Vitamin B3 ensures that the body’s cells work correctly
  • Vitamin B5 aids the production of hormones for the body and contributes to the energy-making process of the body
  • Vitamin B6 helps the body form red blood cells as tested by assignment helper online research enthusiasts.
  • Vitamin B7 helps to break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It also boosts the growth of hair, nails, and skin.
  • Vitamin B9 helps in the development of DNA and RNA
  • Vitamin B12 helps create a sound nervous system
  • Vitamin C helps the body create collagen. Also, it helps heal the body’s wound and contributes to the formation of the bone. In addition, it improves the functions of blood vessels, boosts immunity, and helps in iron absorption. Furthermore, it performs the functions of an antioxidant
  • Vitamin D helps to strengthen the bone
  • Vitamin E reduces stress and improves immunity
  • Vitamin K helps the blood to clot.
Meaning of Natural and Synthetic Vitamins

Natural vitamins are nutrients that the body needs to function optimally. Natural vitamins are derived from food sources, while synthetic vitamins are derived from artificial sources. These artificial sources can be drinks, energy bars, pills chewing gum, capsules, etc. Note that synthetic vitamins are different from supplements that are derived from dried food. However, the goal of synthetic vitamins is to copy the functions of natural vitamins in the body. This is poorly done.

Are there Differences Between Natural and Synthetic vitamins

fruit powder veggie powder nutrifusion whole food nutrition

The main difference has to be the difference between the way these vitamins are manufactured. Natural vitamins are made in the body by consuming certain types of food, while synthetic vitamins are made through artificial means. However, chemically there is little difference between the natural vitamins found in plant or animal sources and the ones that are artificially made.

Even with the bit of difference in chemical composition, there is a vast difference in the biological reaction of our bodies to synthetic vitamins. For instance, when you eat plant-based or animal-based food, you aren’t targeting a single nutrient but will consume many nutrients that vitamins would be inclusive. There is an interplay or interaction between these nutrients, allowing your body to absorb these nutrients and use them optimally for the body.

On the other hand, synthetic vitamins contain a single type of nutrient, and studies show the body might find it hard to absorb these synthetic vitamins. Some vitamins may be easily absorbed than others. Certain studies show that the body easily absorbed natural vitamin E than artificial vitamin E. The expert scientific researchers at essay writing service uk support this study

Conflicting Reports on the Functioning and Absorption of Synthetic Vitamins

  • For Multivitamins, some reports claim that it helps in reducing heart diseases and the risk of cancer. Other words claim it doesn’t reduce heart diseases and is more likely to increase the chances of getting cancer. A five-year study on the benefits of high-dose multivitamins for the heart revealed would not improve the heart’s Furthermore, some research shows that multivitamins had positive effects on memory. However, other studies thoroughly debunked it after carrying out a 12-year study.
  • Vitamin B, on the one hand, is touted to increase brain function. But, on the other hand, such reports are described as merely speculative as vitamin B supplement doesn’t have any positive benefits for the brain.
  • Vitamin D supplements have also become subjects of great scrutiny among scientists. Natural vitamin D has excellent effects on health and immunity, but scientists disagree about if vitamin D supplements have the same effect. Also, vitamin D helps in keeping bones healthy and strong. In addition, it helps in improving brain capacity and reduces the risk of cancer. Current studies have not reached a conclusive report of vitamin D supplements have such an effect yet. However, scientists agree that when you take vitamin D supplements with calcium, you can enjoy a healthier bone structure as an adult.

This summarizes the problem with a vitamin supplement. They could be effective, but they might need to be taken alongside other supplements. So, don’t buy a supplement on your own. Always do so upon a prescription.

How to Identify If Your Vitamin Supplement is Natural or Artificial

The obvious answer to this would be to check the label. However, if you don’t know what to look for, there is no use looking at the label for hints. When you are checking the label, do the following

  • When the manufacturer writes 100% natural. Go further to check the ingredient deck whether it is indicated that the manufacturer’s natural is plant-based or synthetic
  • Find the source of food to see if any food type is mentioned. If there is a list of food, then the supplement may be natural. If there isn’t, the supplement is artificial (Remember many supplement companies “cheat” and do not disclose or misrepresent the truth.
  • When you see salt forms such as acetate, chloride, hydrochloride, etc., know the supplement is artificial as manufacturers use salt to stabilize synthetic supplement
  • When you see the letters DL before a nutrient, such supplement is synthetic.



Emily Harrinson is one of the most influential editors who work for a London big company. She has been with this big company since 2006. Emily is also a writer who had written essays for an essay writing service uk. She has also advised a cheap coursework writing service. She loves reading books, listening to music, and playing sports. She radiates positivity.



Natural ingredients, no complicated chemical substances, squeaky clean label, zero synthetics, and rich in antioxidants and natural nutrition- ditch those detox and quick weight-loss gimmicks and get your glow on through real food goodness.

NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for when you do not have access to fresh produce…and even when you do, to improve your vitamin intake. Sourcing only whole, non-GMO foods, NutriFusion offers consumers a concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient blends. With a farm-to-table philosophy, NutriFusion’s proprietary process stabilizes the nutrients from perishable fruits and vegetables, allowing a longer shelf life and access to vital nutrients.

NutriFusion fruit and/or vegetable powders are for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

5 Foods to Help Combat Stress & Anxiety

As the world begins to reopen and some semblance of normalcy begins to re-enter our lives, most, if not all people will be carrying to some extent, burdens of stress and anxiety in their lives. 2020 and the first half of 2021 have certainly been trying times for many and our mental health has been tested through and through. We decided it would be a good idea to celebrate the month of May and Mental Health Month by sharing a few tips and tricks to help combat stress and anxiety. You can take the first steps to combat stress and anxiety by putting the best foods you can into your body. Read on to learn more!

Stress and anxiety on occasion shouldn’t alarm you. For example, if you have a busy day or deadlines to hit at work, you may experience symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and more. However, if your stress and anxiety is more chronic, then considering lifestyle switches to keep you in a positive mindframe can do a world of good.

Fueling your body with healthy, nutritious foods is one way to combat the symptoms stress and anxiety can bring upon your physical and mental health!


Eggs are one of the most popular breakfast foods in the U.S for good reason. Don’t solely reserve them for breakfast sandwiches or as the side for some bacon and homefries. The health benefits of eggs are plentiful! Packed with protein, vitamins, and antioxidants, eggs are an easy way to not only make sure you have your breakfast, but can also help you fight off stress.


Most people know that a diet high in colorful foods, especially vegetables, is good for them. Along with helping stave off stress and anxiety, broccoli can help fight off diseases such as cancer, heart disease and others. Broccoli belongs to a food group called cruciferous vegetables which help combat disease thanks to being packed with Vitamins C, E and K among others.



Matcha tea can be enjoyed in the morning, evening, or even in your favorite café drink, making it a versatile option you can have all day long. Matcha powder is rich in L-theanine, a powerful stress-relieving non-protein amino acid.

Chamomile Tea

If matcha isn’t your favorite flavor but you like the idea of sipping on a stress-relieving tea, chamomile may be the pick for you. Chamomile has historically been used as a stress-relieving beverage and is an extremely popular pre-bedtime drink routine for many people to help promote a good night’s rest. With the positive link between good, consistent sleep and it’s benefit on lowering stress levels, this is something we highly recommend implementing into your nightly routine.


Not only are blueberries delicious and easy to snack on, but they’re also linked to helping improve your mood. Blueberries also have anti-inflammatory powers thanks to their high concentration of flavonoid antioxidants which also promote neuroprotective effects. These antioxidants are also natural mood-boosters and can help fight off depression as well.


 A diet in nutrient-rich foods is a great place to begin your path to combating stress and anxiety. However, other lifestyle activities such as getting regular exercise go a long way as well. Keeping yourself in the company of people who support you can also take some weight off your shoulders when times get tough. If your stress continues and you feel you need to speak to a professional, explore the idea of talking with a psychiatrist online to help you with a personal treatment plan. High levels of stress could lead to other mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, if left untreated.



NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

Consumers may purchase our powders at: Add our powders to juice, or sprinkle on top of foods such as yogurt, pasta dishes, beverages, and baked goods such as cookies, brownies, cakes, etc. A small amount, 225 mg, will provide 50% of the daily value from the range of nutrition from fruits and vegetables.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at

Everything You Need to Learn Why Sugar is So Bad

From peanut butter to marinara sauce, added sugar can be found in almost any product. Most people enjoy consuming quick processed foods like snacks and meals. Since most products contain added sugar, it makes a huge proportion of their daily intake of calories. In the United States, added sugars account for close to seventeen percent of the total calorie intake among adults and close to fourteen percent.

Most adults know that eating too much sugar isn’t good for their health. Yet you are probably doing it. The average American consumes close to 270 calories a day. That’s more than ten teaspoons a day. Baked products, drinks containing refined sugars and candy are the most common sources of sugar. Also, savory foods like protein bars, bread, and tomato sauce can contain added sugar.

It’s quite difficult to spot added sugars that are listed using other names like sucrose, cane juice, nectar or corn syrup. Regardless of the name used, it’s sugar. And it can harm your health in many ways. Here’s why sugar is so bad for you.

1.    Brain

Consuming sugar leads to the stimulation and release of dopamine by your brain. This explains why you always crave a cake in the evening than a carrot or pear. Since vegetables and fruits don’t cause a surge of dopamine in the brain, your brain will start craving extra sugary foods for you to feel happy. Once you form the habit of consuming sugary foods, it will be difficult to break it.

2.    Mood

The occasional cookie or candy can make you feel energetic because it raises your blood sugar levels quickly. When the blood sugar level drops, you might start feeling anxious and jittery. But when you consume too much candy, sugar will start affecting your mood negatively. Several research studies have linked high sugar intake to depression.

3.    Teeth

Your mum was right when she told you that too much candy is bad for your teeth. Cavities are usually caused by bacteria that love eating sugar that lingers in your mouth after eating sugary foods. You need to read health articles written by expert essay writers, avoid refined sugars, brush your teeth every day, and stay hydrated to avoid cavities and a host of oral issues.

4.    Joints

Consuming refined sugar has been linked to joint pains. The more you eat sugar, the more your joint pain worsens due to the inflammation in your body. Various studies have shown that consuming sugar can increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

5.    Skin

Another problem linked to the consumption of sugar is inflammation which leads to aging faster. Excess sugar gets attached to proteins in your blood. And this leads to the creation of dangerous molecules. These molecules speed up the aging process. They also destroy elastin and collagen in your skin which are the fibers that keep the skin youthful and firm. This means that you’ll end up with saggy and wrinkled skin.

6.    Liver

Consuming refined sugar in high amounts can damage your liver. When the liver breaks it down, it is transformed into fat which builds up around the liver. This fat can reduce blood supply to the liver which later develops into cirrhosis and will eventually require a transplant.

7.    Heart

When you consume excess sugar, more insulin gets into your bloodstream. And this affects all the arteries in your body. It leads to inflammation of the walls which makes them grow thicker and harden. This stresses and damages your heart in the long run. Some of the common heart problems include heart attacks, heart failure, heart disease, and stroke. Research studies have shown that consuming less sugar can lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. Preparing your food at home can reduce sugar consumption. If you don’t have enough time you can buy essay online to avoid inconveniences.

8.    Pancreas

The pancreas is responsible for pumping out insulin. However, if you are eating lots of sugar, your body gradually stops responding to the hormone. And this makes the pancreas pump out more insulin. In the end, an overworked pancreas breaks down leading to high blood sugar levels which set you up for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

9.    Kidneys

People who have diabetes can damage their kidneys by consuming too much sugar. Kidneys play a critical role in filtering blood. When blood sugar levels reach a specific level, kidneys start releasing sugar into the urine. If ignored, diabetes can prevent the kidneys from filtering waste in the blood.

10. Bodyweight

The more sugar you consume, the more you increase your body weight. Research studies have shown that people who drink beverages containing sugar tend to weigh more than those who don’t. And this increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. People who consume refined sugars gain close to 1.7 pounds in less than sixty days. High sugar consumption inflames fat cells. And this leads to increased body weight. If you’ve gained a lot of weight, you need to use admission essay writing service to find time to exercise and read health articles.

11. Sexual health

After reading this, you might consider skipping the dessert on a Friday night. Sugar negatively affects the sequence of events that lead to an erection. High sugar levels in the blood can lead to impotence among men since your penis relies on blood circulation to erect and stay that way.

Cutting down on sugar

Now that you know why sugar is so bad for you, we must discuss some of the most effective ways that you can use to cut down on sugar.

  • Swap sugary drinks with water, sparkling water, or lemon water
  • Go for fresh or baked fruits instead of cookies, cakes, and ice cream
  • Consume dried spices, fresh chili, and mayonnaise instead of sugary sauces
  • Eat more whole foods than processed ones
  • Avoid processed snack foods even if they’ve been labeled healthy. Consume nuts, fresh fruits, and boiled eggs.


Most people around the world are consuming too much sugar. And this negatively affects their physical and mental health in the long run. If you’ve formed this habit, now is the best time to break it. Don’t make sudden changes to avoid slipping back. Take baby steps and everything will work out in the end. Don’t hesitate to seek medical assistance when you need it.

Author Bio:

Emily Harrinson is one of the most influential editors at college essay papers and paper writing services review and in London. She has been working in this company since 2006. Her hobby is reading books. But besides that, Emily is fond of sports and music. She is a very positive person.


NutriFusion develops all‐natural fruit and/or vegetable powders that are nutrient dense for use in foods, beverages, supplements, and pet foods.

Consumers may purchase our powders at:  Add our powders to juice, or sprinkle on top of foods such as yogurt, pasta dishes, beverages, and baked goods such as cookies, brownies, cakes, etc.  A small amount, 225 mg, will provide 50% of the daily value from the range of nutrition from fruits and vegetables.

NutriFusion can help! Visit us at