Low Levels of Vitamin B12 in the Brain Could be Linked to Mental Decline

Vitamin B12 is not one of the headline supplements that you would expect to see when you pick up a nutritional magazine. Nutritionists and health experts have always had their suspicions on the link between the lack of Vitamin B12 intakes in the brain and conditions like dementia and mental decline. Multiple studies that have been carried out in the past to try to understand the linkage better.

But first, a little more about Vitamin B12. It is not among the most abundant of vitamins in the world. It is commonly found in a bacteria that happens to be very common in soil. We find natural forms on vitamin B12 in red meat, salmon, milk, eggs, leafy greens, beets, and almonds. There are other ways of getting vitamin B12. One of them is through synthetic supplements. It is not clear how much of the vitamin you should have to avert the risks that are closely associated with its deficiency. Some experts advise about 1,000 micrograms a week, and there are others that advise up to 250 micrograms a day. This translates to upwards of about 2,500 micrograms per week.

Vitamin B12 in the Blood vs. the Brain

It is important to note that the amount of Vitamin B12 in the blood is not parallel to the sum in the brain. The uptake process is what matters. In a recent study reported in the PLOS ONE journal, scientists were able to pinpoint the link between low Vitamin B12 levels in the brain to autism, schizophrenia, and old age dementia. The same study goes ahead to suggest that some other neurological diseases could be caused by the reduced uptake of Vitamin B12 from the blood stream. There have been other studies that have attempted to look for connections between this and other vitamin deficiencies to certain brain disorders.

While there is yet a definitive study that zeros in on these particular shortcomings, there have been other risks that have been directly associated with extreme vitamin deficiencies. These risks include depression, memory loss, mental decline, and even pregnancy complications. Vitamin B12 is critical for the formation of red blood cells and is also closely associated with the functioning of the central nervous system. Hence its importance in the body.

Inspired by oregonlive.com

Adding Natural Sources of Vitamin B12 to Your New Products

So, we are now wondering how we will formulate products with more vitamin B12? You could use synthetic vitamins with low bioavailability or you could use natural vitamins from whole food sources. NutriFusion is the leader in whole food nutrient fortification from fruits and vegetables. Our stabilization method enables food processors and consumer packaged food companies to add highly bioavailable nutrients to their products. If you are interested in learning more, please visit your respective category below.

Fortified Premixes: Fundamental Considerations

Research by the International Food Information Council Foundation on Food and Health revealed that 47% consumers prefer food with added nutrients. Consumers are now more aware of the food they eat. They read labels carefully and are informed enough to know the difference between what’s right for them and what isn’t. The massive demand for nutrient-rich food with added vitamins and minerals has given way to food fortification.

Food Fortification is the process of incorporating essential vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, iodine, vitamin A and iron into food products. These are blended into powdered premixes which are then added to products.

Fortified food was a breakthrough for disease elimination. Fortification is now used for filling nutrition gaps and balancing nutrient loss in the storing process of goods. Manufacturers are on the lookout for partners to launch their own fortified premixes and give their products additional features. However, it’s the process of formulating fortified premixes that pose the challenge. Here are the aspects that need to be considered regarding fortified premixes:

  • The fortification process relies heavily on the kind of food product that’s being fortified
  • Manufacturers need to chart a profile for the desired nutritional value.
  • The size of serving and shelf life must be considered.
  • Manufacturers will have to change the entire packaging and present the product as a new brand before the consumers.
  • The cycle of production will go through a significant change.
  • Cost-effectiveness is a major aspect of consideration for manufacturers.

The Desired Amount of Nutrients in Fortified Premixes

Manufacturers will have to chalk down the quantities of natural vitamins and other nutrients that are already present in the food and then decide what kind of nutrients must be added and in what quantities so as to meet the claim the product is looking to make. This is a critical decision when using GrandFusion® products in your premixes. GrandFusion® is heavily concentrated nutrients from whole fruits and vegetables. 112 mg of the GrandFusion® fruit mix is equivalent to 25% daily value in 6 essential vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B1, and vitamin B6.

Loss of Nutrients in Food Processing

To hold true to the labels, formulators will have to ensure that nutrient loss in the production processes and treatment of the product is calculated in advance and taken into consideration while creating the formula for the premixes. Nutrient loss in processing has caused problems for formulators and food manufacturers for a long a time. NutriFusion® is the solution to this problem. Our stabilized nutrients are capable of withstanding the intensive heating and cooling of modern day food processing. Our GrandFusion® products also have a minimum two-year shelf life to keep your nutrients stable through distribution and retail.

Adding the Right Elements

Vitamins and minerals that are to be added must blend in with the distinct taste, color, and aroma of the product recipe.

Fortified premixes do nothing to change the texture or taste of the food product. Therefore, manufacturers get to introduce a new product that isn’t very different from other items their brand is known for. But, it will have all the nutritional perks consumers are looking for.

The push for NutriFusion® nutrient fortification is simple: the difference is natural. Our GrandFusion® products are blends of whole fruits and vegetables so that we can deliver complete nutrition in a variety of products. The big difference between NutriFusion® nutrient fortification and synthetic nutrient fortification is bioavailability. Our products have 100% bioavailability versus 10% to 20% bioavailability for synthetic vitamins. Why? Our bodies need complete nutrients from fruits and vegetables to function properly, so we easily absorb these natural vitamins. On the other hand, synthetics are chemical formulations trying to resemble nature, and are bodies do not entirely recognize them. If you are building a non-GMO or Organic food product, please reach out to learn more about our nutrient fortification process. Also, please visit your respective category below to learn more about our products!

4 “Natural” Foods & Beverages With Artificial Ingredients


Eating healthy requires you to replace a lot of the unhealthy food you’ve been consuming so far with better, healthier alternatives. Organic, healthy and natural food is in vogue among the health conscious. With all the options out there, deciding what’s best for your diet is a matter of a thorough understanding of the food label. In a market entrenched in the race for fulfilling the demands for natural products, many ingredients are passed off and approved under the guise of “natural”, “pure” and “organic”.

In a recent survey by Consumer Reports, they found that over 66% of people believe that “natural” food should contain no artificial ingredients. Below are four examples of natural food and beverages that contain artificial ingredients. To see all of the natural products with artificial ingredients, see the article by Consumer Reports, here.

Natural Fruit Cups

Del Monte claims that their fruit cups are filled with real fruit. However, the products are artificially sweetened. The fruit cups also contain artificial preservatives like potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate.

All Natural Sweet Potato Fries

Con Agra’s Alexia sweet potato fries have large quantities of xantham gum, an ingredient used as thickening agent. The company claimed that their products have been inspected by the FDA and are compliant with the regulations.

Consumers shouldn’t be in a hurry to swap their kitchen cabinet essentials for natural food products just yet. A smarter reading of pack labels will help you make better food choices.

Smithfield’s Cold Cuts

Cold cuts are an essential in most households. Companies like Smithfield, claim that their product Krakus Polish sliced ham contain all-natural juices. But, a reading of the ingredients reveals, at least, five artificial ingredients. Most cold cuts of meat and poultry contain chemicals like sodium nitrate as well.

Smucker’s Bottled Beverages

A majority of the fruit juices available in stores have tiny amounts of real fruit content. Artificial ingredients are used to enhance the color and texture of the juice these include preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, corn starch and artificial colors. The same goes for other aerated and bottled drinks. J.M Smucker’s Natural Brew Draft Rootbeer contains caramel color. The company claims that the color is derived from burnt sugar and yucca extract.

See the article by Consumer Reports with all of the natural products with artificial ingredients, here.

Post Inspired by usatoday.com


Synthetic Nutrients are Artificial Ingredients

artificial ingredients synthetic nutrients nutrifusion solutionShouldn’t your nutrients be “natural” too? How is it 2016 and we are still fortifying our food with synthetic vitamins and minerals? It’s been impossible to add natural nutrients from fruits and vegetables to processed food due to the heat intensity of modern-day food processing. Now food companies have the opportunity to add these essential micronutrients to their products with NutriFusion. Our patent-pending process keeps the phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals in fruits and vegetables stable through both intensive heating and cooling. To learn more about NutriFusion for your products, visit your industry below.

Clean Food Labels Are More Important Than Ever

Americans are becoming more cautious about what they eat. According to a recent consumer study, 64% of Americans check the ingredients of food items that they purchase as compared to only 53 percent of Europeans. The research was done by research company GNT Group with Fooddive.com noting the study. This is a noticeable increase in the number of Americans reading food labels when compared to a study that was reported five years ago in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. The study concluded that around 51.6 percent of Americans have their eyes on food labels before they even make a purchase.

“The study’s result clearly shows that natural ingredients have become more important all around the globe. Many manufacturers already comply with consumers’ wishes by, for example, using coloring foods exclusively made from natural raw materials and clearly indicating that on the label. This development will continue to gather momentum in the upcoming years.” -Hendrick Hoeck, GNT Group Managing Director

Simple Ingredients and Clean Food Labels

This new clean label development is noticeable in supermarket food aisles. It is evident from the iconic blue box for Kraft Dinner mac n cheese to the cheery Lucky Charms which have been reported to be manufactured soon without any artificial ingredients. Americans have indeed made a turn for the better when it comes to healthier food choices. Of course, a healthy diet is just one part of becoming healthy. A person who wishes to attain good health must also practice an active lifestyle and should make efforts to exercise daily to reduce stress in their lives.

The study also points out that consumers are not just looking for healthy food, but they want easy to understand food labels and nutrient information. Consumers are also choosing foods that are natural which means no additives, artificial coloring, artificial preservative, and chemical ingredients. By choosing natural and preservative-free food, consumers can guarantee a better quality diet. Chemicals in food are known to cause cancer, allergies, and chronic illnesses. Therefore, extra effort should be used to find healthy and natural foods in the packaged food aisles. Checking for clean food labels will give consumers more power in choosing the best food items for their family and it will also increase the value of their money spent on groceries.

Inspired by fooddive.com

Add NutriFusion for Plant-Based Nutrients and Clean Food Labels

The United States is experiencing an extreme nutritional deficiency amongst its people. The majority of nutrients we consume on a daily basis are developed in a lab with synthetic chemicals. NutriFusion saw this problem and developed a breakthrough innovation for food and beverage manufacturers. Our patent pending method stabilizes vitamins and minerals in whole fruits and vegetables so that they can easily be added to many of our favorite packaged foods. Our ingredients are simple and easy to understand. Consumers immediately know that their nutrients are naturally sourced from fruits and vegetables. We believe our ingredient is essential to processed food over the next twenty years. Americans are not going to start eating fruits and vegetables overnight, so the least we can do is pack their favorite snacks and packaged foods with natural nutrition. If you are interested in learning more about NutriFusion, please visit your respective category.

Infographic: Plant Based Protein Supplements

The world of protein is starting to take a hard look in the mirror. Whey and meat sources work tremendously well at building muscle, but they have several downsides. Innovative companies have started to harness a more natural and holistic approach to plant based proteins from peas, brown rice, hemp, and soy. Below is an infographic that makes the case for plant based protein supplements and their advantage over traditional whey based protein supplements.

plant based protein

Infographic created by artofwellbeing.com


Plant Based Protein Innovation @ Beyond Meat

A proud partner of NutriFusion® is the plant-based protein innovator, Beyond Meat. Beyond Meat is transforming the way we think about meat with new pea protein-based burgers and chicken. We are an active supporter of their commitment to clean, plant-based protein. Check out this short video from Beyond Meat about their products and the leadership team behind the future of protein.

Beyond Meat products are committed to natural ingredients and use our GrandFusion fruit and vegetable nutrients in a variety of their products. We are excited to see their brand grow and shape the bright future of protein!

Health and Wellness Influencing Food Decisions

Taste, price and convenience are no longer the main factors that help consumers decide which food and beverage to buy. According to a study by Deloitte, Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) called “Capitalizing on the Shifting Consumer Food Value Equation,” about half of the surveyed Americans considered health and wellness, safety, social impact, experience and transparency as “evolving drivers.” These new drivers are examined in addition to traditional factors such as taste, price and convenience. The study also revealed that these new “evolving drivers” play into food decisions regardless of the respondents’ demographics.

consumer values food decisions study

No Artificial Ingredients & Clear Labels Connect Health to Food Safety

Americans are no longer connecting food safety according to only near-term risks to health. Around 74 percent of respondents agreed that food safety should not just be limited to food that can cause immediate harm. Health, wellness, and transparency are all connected to safety which is why food factors including freedom from dangerous ingredients, having clear and accurately made product labels, and the use of non-artificial ingredients should be utilized in describing packaged, processed foods.

“Food retailers are inherently ‘shopper advocates’ and they respect that their customers want both genuine and transparent shopping experiences. Our study sheds light on how companies can better understand the intersection of these new consumer food values and their own growth strategies.” – Mark Baum, Chief Collaboration Officer @ FMI

More Key Insights on Future Food Decisions

Furthermore, the study also addresses several important points regarding the shifting value equation for the industry. According to the results of the survey, the following affect consumer values and food decisions as well.

  • Preferences and tastes of food will continue to fragment
  • Retailers have a unique ability to influence consumers’ decisions
  • New and smaller companies will use new technologies, third-party affiliations, and increase engagement to gain trust.
  • Larger companies in the industry will do all they can to use new, unique value propositions; and market success will be affected by present competitive advantages.

“Today’s consumers have a higher thirst for knowledge than previous generations and they are putting the assessment of that information into their value equation. There is no doubt that the consumer value equation has changed – as taste, price and convenience are now only the foundation with the need to leverage the emerging value drivers. Brands that win with consumers will likely be those that provide the information they seek, well beyond what is on the label.” – Jim Flannery, SVP of Operations & Industry Collaboration @ GMA

Inspired by prnewswire.com

NutriFusion® is Here to Help

Consumer values have been changing over the past ten years, and many companies have tried to seize the opportunity.  Some companies have done an excellent job of creating healthier products, and others have suffered the fate of misleading consumers with health and wellness claims. It’s time to start taking these demands seriously and match your R&D efforts with the value of the future consumer. People have finally connected their health and wellness to food safety. How will you reinvent your products without artificial ingredients and clean labels to enable the consumer to make smart food decisions?


We would like to think that NutriFusion® could be the answer for some of your new products. Instead of fortifying  your packaged foods with synthetic vitamins, you should try our GrandFusion powders. We create non-GMO nutrients from whole fruits and vegetables. So why doesn’t everyone do this? It’s a difficult process and we have made huge advances in our nutrient stabilization method over the past 3 years. NutriFusion® will give you the ability to clean up your ingredient deck and make powerful claims about where your nutrients come from. If you are interested in learning more, please visit your respective category below.

Food is not Healthy, it’s Nutritious

Will we be able to eat healthy food? According to Harry Balzer, an NPD Group analyst, “Never, because the moment something becomes popular, someone will find a reason why it’s not healthy.” But what is healthy food really about? We attribute healthy to foods such as kale while we think of a Big Mac as something that is not. But the thing is, kale salads are not really healthy but they are nutritious. When prepared well, a kale salad would also taste delicious. Describing it as healthy is simply beyond words. If you were to eat kale only then you would become sick.


 “Healthy is a bankrupt word.Our food isn’t healthy. We are healthy. Our food is nutritious. I’m all about the words. Words are the key to giving people the tools they need to figure out what to eat. Everyone is so confused.” – Roxanne Sukol, preventive medicine specialist at Cleveland Clinic and medical director of the center’s Wellness Enterprise

Words Matter…Food is Nutritious

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Technically the food we eat is not healthy; we will be healthy if we eat nutritious food. And healthy is not the only misleading word widely used in packaged and processed food products. Take the word protein. Protein is definitely good for the body since it’s needed for building strong muscles and other important bodily functions. We have grown fond of protein and now consume it at an extraordinary rate compared to our ancestors. But take eating pork cracklings, which is all protein, gets frowned upon because we believe this food has huge fat content. It is made of pork skin which is made of protein under a layer of fat. When pig skin is fried, fat is rendered and the remaining connective tissue pops. Pork skin may actually be an ideal protein snack to get you throughout the day.

Another word is “refined” which is commonly added to wheat which has been stripped of the bran, the germ, and all the impurities removed as well resulting in a pure starch. Refined wheat is technically devoid of all oils, iron and vitamins that make wheat nutritious. Sukol said, “Flour stripped of the nutrition that makes it valuable to our bodies but reduces shelf life. Food manufacturers, therefore,“enrich” it. Food companies add the iron that was removed from the refining process, but not enough of what we need. Sukol also said that these additions along with the lack of fiber take a toll on our metabolic systems resulting in diabetes and metabolic syndromes.

Food is either nutritious or not and we are healthy or not. It’s a guarantee though that if we eat food that is nutritious, we will be able to improve our health.

Inspired by washingtonpost.com

Mayo Clinic Sees Low Vitamin D Toxicity in People Who Take Supplements

Past studies conducted on Americans show that vitamin D deficiency is high, and this has caused the use of Vitamin D supplements to rise. Vitamin D is known for its capacity to boost bone health and prevent some conditions such as diabetes and cancer. The Mayo Clinic conducted a study with an aim of learning more about vitamin D consumption and the health of those consuming supplements.

Sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be obtained both naturally and artificially. Natural sources include some oily fishes, milk, and exposure to sunlight. When it comes to exposure to sunlight, one is advised not to bask in the sun for long as this could lead to damage to the skin or increase the risk of contracting skin cancer. Some literature recommends an exposure of about three to ten minutes in the morning or evening, at a time when the sun is not too hot.

Artificial sources are supplements and are frequently recommended to those who have a vitamin D deficiency. Consumers of synthetic supplements are who the Mayo Clinic are concerned with toxicity. Vitamin D which is taken naturally is only absorbed by the body in the right quantities. The findings by the Mayo clinic come as a relief to most of the Americans who have been worried about the effects of the supplements. It’s understood that the excessive intake of vitamin D can have serious repercussions, but the study revealed that the artificial supplements have little to no toxicity effect when taken in the right quantities.

Toxic Levels are Low

The study found that consumption of supplements does not lead to high toxicity. With the study, it is now clear that vitamin D is a rare form of toxicity and can only happen when there is an intentional intake of a high dose. Vitamin D levels are determined by a lab test where a blood test is conducted; the average level is usually 20-50 nanograms per milliliter. Anything higher that 50 ng/ml is excess while less than 20 ng/ml is deficient.

Inspired by mayoclinic.org