Do Consumers Know Where Almond Milk Comes From?

Sounds like a silly question but the word milk is commonly associated with cows, like cow’s milk. And herein lies the confusion.

When grocery shoppers are out and about trying to meet their grocery list, they are faced with more choices than ever. Groceries now have a variety of milk to choose from, like plant-based milk alternatives, 1% cow’s milk to whole cow’s milk or even goat milk. This huge selection can be confusing to buyers, and thus the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) put up a poll to see if buyers want their plant-based food labeled using dairy terms.

The Results

There were over 7,000 respondents to the poll and almost 75% of them communicated that they do want the plant-based substitutes to be labeled in traditional dairy terms so that it is easier for them to compare and contrast.

In an earlier version of the poll, the data showed that 40% of households in the US do consume and buy both plant-based milk and dairy-based milk. Those people who drink only cow’s milk, 78% of them chose to use the word milk when describing the plant-based version. However, others who do not consume cow’s milk preferred a more descriptive term when it comes to labeling these plant-based milk alternatives. They preferred to use words like non-dairy or dairy-free compared to milk substitute or milk alternative.

Voluntary Standards for Labeling Plant-Based Dairy

And from these polls grew the voluntary standards for labeling plant-based dairy products. It helped companies to name their products using the plant ingredient used as a base. For instance, soy milk comes from soy products; almond milk comes from almonds; coconut milk comes from coconuts, and so on.

The voluntary standards also recommend companies to use labels that include non-dairy, dairy-free, or plant-based milk. However, in current times, the more significant trend tended to take on the plant’s name like soymilk, almond milk, and the likes. But if you read further, it will contain the phrases dairy-free or its alternative in smaller font.

Some people in the plant-based community are not satisfied with the current label trends because they believe that all milk should be accurately labeled like milk from cows should be cow’s milk or milk from goats should be labeled as goat milk. This is what they deem as descriptive and accurate labeling.

The Future of Labeling Almond Milk and Other Plant-Based Milk

Traditional dairy is declining while on the other hand, plant-based dairy continues to gain traction. 2,700 dairies in the US closed last year, and the whole dairy industry lost more than a billion dollars’ worth of sales. The slowing demand brought dairy prices down and consequently, its overall sales.

Between the years of 2012 and 2017, plant-based milk grew in leaps and bounds. Although data has shown that buyers are not confused about where their bought milk come from, lawmakers have proposed the Dairy PRIDE act which bars companies from using dairy-related words to their plant-based alternatives.

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Plant-Based Beverage Companies are Fortifying with Real Vitamins From Plants

Traditional dairy milk has always been fortified with Vitamin D and even Omegas in some cases. Plant-based beverage companies are looking to GrandFusion® to fortify their products with real, plant-based vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. GrandFusion® fruit and vegetable powders are 100% dispersible and add a natural plant-based solution to vitamins in plant-based beverages. Interested in learning more? Check out our guide to creating functional foods and beverages.

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4 Nutrients That Vegans are Likely Missing in Their Diet

Common reasons why people go vegan is that they are concerned about animal welfare, trying to reduce their environmental footprint, and even wanting to be healthy. Whatever reasons why people embrace the vegan lifestyle, one thing is for sure, some of their nutrient needs may not be met adequately. And four vitamins and minerals are commonly lacking in a vegan diet, and these are:

1 – Iron

Animal meat is rich in iron and iron is the reason why our blood has that vibrant red color. Iron is essential in the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the cells all over your body. Thus, iron plays a crucial role in various bodily activities like promotion of a healthy immune system and energy production in the muscles.

Absorption of iron is also affected by various factors. Iron from plant-based food has less absorbability than from animal sources. Inclusion of vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables can help increase iron absorption from plant sources. Then there are also foods that can inhibit iron absorption like phytates, zinc, and calcium in vegetable proteins, grains, rice, and legumes.

2 – Iodine

Iodine is commonly found in seafood, and it is essential in making thyroid hormones, which play a role in the development of the central nervous system, regulation of metabolism, and for healthy growth and development. When a person is deficient in iodine, it can cause myriads of health issues like stillbirth, miscarriage, and congenital anomalies in women. It can also lead to constipation, dry skin, hair loss, facial puffiness, depression, muscular weakness, and lethargy, to name a few.

When it comes to vegan food rich in iodine, it would all depend on the iodine content of the soil where the plant was grown. So, the best way to ensure adequate iodine intake for vegans is to use iodine fortified foods like iodized salt and fortified nut or soymilks.

3 – Calcium

The most known source of calcium is cow’s milk; that’s why infants, toddlers, and school-age children are given cow’s milk to help with bone and teeth development and maintenance. Bones are the body’s reserve for calcium, which is vital in muscle movement and the continuous beating of the heart.

For vegans, eating foods fortified with calcium is the best solution to solve deficiency: calcium-fortified cereals, nut milk, and soymilk. Legumes, seeds, nuts, bean curd, and tofu are also plant-based foods that have a good content of calcium.

Another thing that vegans need to understand is that oxalic and phytic acid content in vegetables may inhibit calcium absorption and thus the need to consume more food rich in said nutrient. Foods that contain oxalic and phytic acid are soy products, some raw beans, grains, nuts, seeds, rhubarb, and spinach.

4 – Vitamin B12

Organ meats are rich in vitamin B12, and this vitamin is crucial in the creation of red blood cells. It is also essential in the production of neurotransmitters for proper brain function and the creation of myelin sheaths that insulate nerves. When a person is deficient in this vitamin impaired bladder and bowel control, visual disturbances, mood changes, memory loss, movement problems, impotence, weight loss, and bruising to name a few may occur.

Algae and some mushrooms are a naturally occurring source of vitamin B12 in the vegan diet. But now there are also vegan food sources that are fortified with vitamin B12 to ensure sufficiency in the diet.

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Vegans Need to Look Closer at Nutrient Content

While veganism and vegetarianism are growing diets, there are still some issues that people need to be aware of when consuming food this way. As we mentioned above, many plant-based foods don’t have high concentrations of the nutrients mentioned above. We created our GrandFusion® fruit and vegetable powders to help solve this problem. With our fruit and veggie powders, vegan product manufacturers can now add plant-based vitamins to their products to ensure that vegans are getting the necessary nutrients. Are you creating a new plant-based product for vegans? Download our whitepaper on how to develop functional foods and beverages with GrandFusion® fruit and veggie powders.

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E-commerce Growth is Influenced Largely by Consumer Confidence Says IRI

With trade challenges attributed to tariffs and a partial government shutdown, 2019 did not get off to a good start. Retailers are working to make the shopping experience better for all consumers. With customers becoming more comfortable with online shopping, more and more businesses are enhancing their online options for e-commerce growth.

Why People are Migrating to Online Shopping

Compared to older generations, millennials and generation X consumers are so much more trusting when it comes to online payments and orders. Vice president of Content and Thought Leadership for IRI, Joan Driggs, said: “as e-commerce becomes more of a routine, those shoppers are migrating offline efforts to save money to their online practices.” She points out how online shopping offers more variety on how to save. With coupons, easy comparison shopping, and search for more savings and deals. With the internet much more accessible, it is easier for consumers to be informed on their purchases.

For the latest 52 weeks ending Dec. 30, 2018, E-commerce sales had a 35.4% increase from the previous year, it was recorded to be $58.9 billion. This only accounted for 11% of the CPG retail sales. But e-commerce sales do account for 64% of the total growth of omnichannel. Head of IRI e-commerce, Sam Gagliardi said: “Pure-play retailers garner more than half of all online CPG purchases, but traditional brick-and-mortar retailers continue to invest and win a share of the e-commerce growth pie.” He states how these traditional retailers still have to invest in the e-commerce business in order to have a good consumer shopping experience both online and in stores.

Top-Selling Online Products

Home care products and personal care items (non-food items) seem to be the most in-demand online purchases. E-market IRI insights have found that pet food, skin care products, and vitamins are also highly demanded products in the E-commerce market. Consumers tend to purchase heavier and bulkier items online to avoid all the hassle that comes with buying it from the actual store and transporting it to their homes. It is more convenient for them to just buy these things online. But, certain products like vitamins, which are not bulky or a hassle to transport are also heavily demanded online because it is more convenient for people to search up ingredients and benefits of the vitamins.

GrandFusion as an ingredient for your CPG product or vitamins is important for e-commerce. As the experts at IRI stated, consumers are using online to better look at ingredients and sourcing. With GrandFusion, your vitamins will have a much cleaner ingredient statement and add all the functional, nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables. Learn more!

creating functional foods and beverages product development food science testingIn a consumer survey, people have said that their online purchases have helped them save money by allowing them to look for lower priced alternatives. Good examples the consumers stated were lower priced beauty and personal care items. These items have a total of 29% of U.S. consumers. Within the 29%, 14% are seniors, 35% generation x, 27% baby boomers, and lastly, 45% millennials. As we can see, it is the younger generations that are driving the e-commerce market. But these same generations that are making more online purchases are also the ones that are having the most difficulty purchasing their needed groceries. Studies show that 54% of millennials and generation Xers are impulse buyers. The older generations tend to make fewer impulse purchases.

E-Commerce Growth Outlook

Gagliardi closes the article stating, “E-commerce sales will continue to climb in 2019 and beyond, with retailers increasingly investing in better ways to engage shoppers, including with improved navigation and mobile access, delivery and payment options, and endless aisle assortments.” With older generations dying off, leaving the younger generations who are used to online purchases, it is expected that the e-commerce market will continue to grow.

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Study Shows Increase in Early Death Risk Linked to Ultra-Processed Food

Ultra-processed food may provide convenience, but it comes with more adverse effects on health than advantages. It is essential for people to think twice before consuming them every day. In a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, there is an increased likelihood of early death among people who consume higher amounts of ultra-processed food.

More Adults Consume Ultra-Processed Food

Recently, the consumption of processed foods has increased drastically such that more than 29% of the total calories consumed by an average individual comes from ultra-processed food. This comes in the form of snacks, ready-to-eat meals, and desserts. The consumption of processed foods is linked to higher BMIs especially among the younger generation – the largest consumers of processed foods.

While the number of people who consume processed food is high, many consumers are becoming more health-conscious. Studies show that 91% of consumers in the United States opt to buy food and beverages that are made from ingredients that they can easily recognize. But while this is the recent trend in the consumer market, this does not mean that people avoid ultra-processed food altogether. Because of the fast-paced lives that most people live, they are easily tempted to reach for a packaged meal instead of cooking from scratch because they are pressed for time.

The study involved interviewing 44,551 French adults 45 years old and above for two years. The participants were asked to keep 24-hour dietary records for six months as well as complete questionnaires about their health. It is essential to take note that this study is the first to directly associate the consumption of ultra-processed food with early death thus it is difficult to conclude the study considering that the category of ultra-processed foods is extensive.

The Revolution Against Ultra-Processed Foods

Although this may be the case, the results from the study are aligned with what different regulatory bodies are implying about processed foods. For instance, many countries in Latin or South America noted that the consumption of highly processed foods could be dangerous to health. As a result, they enforced manufacturers to display warnings on their labels. This is especially true among food products that contain high amounts of salt, sugar, fat, and calories. Chile specifically banned TV stations from advertising unhealthy food products, especially to children while changes in the Nutrition Facts labels are ongoing by the Food and Drug Administration.

The study noted that many consumers are becoming more self-aware of their health, so food manufacturing companies should take note and make the necessary changes with their products. They should not only focus on people who are 45 years old and above but also for many young people. In a separate study conducted by the Amplify Snack Brands, 89% of the millennials say that they opt for snacks that taste good first before looking at their health benefits. The challenge here is for food companies to be able to create foods that are not only delicious but also healthy and made from natural ingredients.

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Processed food is not going anywhere, but we can make it better for consumers. How can we do that? First thing is using recognizable ingredients that consumers love. Secondly, use NutriFusion natural vitamin and mineral blends from fruit and vegetable powders. With easy to read ingredients and dense nutritional benefits, our fruit and vegetable powders will help you create a processed food with functional benefits. Click below to download our guide to Creating Functional Foods and Beverages.

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Gen Z Eating Habits are Healthier and More Convenient

Generation Z refers to a group of people who are born from 1995 to 2010. Although they are one of the youngest demographics, they are moving the food culture in the United States. A report released by Packaged Facts noted that Gen Z eating habits are more likely to include a snack between meals compared with millennials. Moreover, they are also keen on preparing their own meals than millennials who currently live more fast-paced lives.

Gen Z eating habits have influenced the food industry by encouraging manufacturers to produce snacks that are appealing to this particular demographic.  What makes food appealing to this generation is its natural origin. In fact, many of this generation prefer food that is made from organic and natural ingredients. They also prefer food that does not contain additives such as preservatives, sugar, and many others. They are also most likely to prefer vegetarianism over other types of diets.

Health And Convenience Are Defining Factors in Gen Z Eating Habits

Because many Gen Zs are opting for healthy eating habits, more food manufacturers are producing healthy food products to meet the demands of this generation. It is also important to take note that although this generation is relatively young, their eating, as well as shopping habits, will probably not change as they age. This means that they will continue to seek products that are made from clean ingredients and come with transparent labels.

Why this generation is so obsessed with healthy living comes from the influence of their millennial and gen x parents. In a recent report in 2018 released by SPINS, they noted that this generation still prefers products that are easy, accessible, and convenient. Gen Z is in perpetual motion and surrounded by gadgets. As a generation that is adept in performing multiple tasks at one time, this has influenced their eating habits such that they prefer foods that they can easily eat but do not require too much prep time. They also prefer products that are microwavable, but they are looking for those that are organic, natural, and free from synthetic ingredients.

The Direction Of Many Food Manufacturers

The demand for healthier food products by Gen Z eating habits has led to many food companies producing healthy products. One such company is Barilla that recently introduced healthy microwavable pasta that people can take as snacks or dinner. Research Director of Packaged Facts, David Sprinkle, noted that many from this generation know the value of healthy foods but they want the convenience of easy-to-prepare foods. There are huge present opportunities for many foods and beverage manufacturers to create different preparations of packaged foods from canned soups, chips, and desserts to name a few.

The bottom line here is that many food and beverage manufacturing companies can gain a lot from developing food products that will appeal to the larger population of Gen Z eating habits. In fact, they account for at the most $143 billion in terms of direct spending.  And since they make up about 26% of the population in the United States, they are a force to be reckoned with.

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GrandFusion fruit and vegetable powders are a food processor’s new best friend. Our highly concentrated blends deliver dense nutrient levels from fruits and vegetables without impacting the end product’s flavor or texture. Gen Z consumers love NutriFusion because of the simple ingredient statement and the added benefit of real vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. Interested in how to build the next great functional food and beverage product? Download our guide today!creating functional foods and beverages product development food science testing

The Future of Functional Foods and Beverages

People these days are living fast-paced lives. While productivity has increased a hundred-fold in the twentieth century, the caveat with living a fast life is that so many people are prone to getting sick easily because of stress and changes in their eating habits. With many restaurants and fast food chains providing useful takeaways, this has contributed to the ballooning size of the nation. As a result, food companies started creating functional foods and beverages to help people get more nutrients from the products they were already consuming. The future of functional foods and beverages is bright since shifting consumer preferences have focused on simple, easy to read ingredients.

Increasing Health Awareness Among Consumers

There is an increasing awareness about the long-term benefits of proper nutrition these days, especially among millennials. This focus on nutrition has the food and beverage industry looking at the types of foods that they provide to their consumers.  Increasing consumer awareness has led to a positive revolution in the food industry as many companies are looking at the development of healthy functional foods and beverages that can be sold to people who are always on the go.

According to the market research conducted by Grand View Research Inc.,  this industry is forecasted to reach $255 billion by 2024. But food manufacturers should do more than produce nutrition bars and cereals as consumers are always looking for new products that contain higher amounts of functional ingredients such as fiber, calcium, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables, and omega-3s. This means that current food manufacturers should step up their game to produce products that are not only playful to the palate but will also help reduce the risk of developing different metabolic diseases.

The Niche Market is Crucial to Growth

Demographic studies show that it is not only the millennials who are interested in functional food and beverages but even the Generation Xers and Baby Boomers as well. This presents food manufacturers the challenge on how to manufacture foods that will work for different consumers while, at the same time, managing their specific health concerns.

Millennials, in particular, represents the largest population of consumers. Most of the food processors are continually experimenting with different kinds of ingredients to produce foods that are not only functional and healthy but will also complement the taste buds of the different target niche markets. The future of functional foods and beverages is enormous, but manufacturers have to focus on creating products that appeal to individual niches to win.

Taste and Ingredients are Important to the Future of Functional Foods and Beverages

The survey shows that taste is always the gold standard when developing functional foods and beverages, but many millennials are looking for products that do not contain synthetic ingredients such as preservatives and sweeteners. Most prefer that food manufacturers use botanicals and natural food ingredients like fruits and vegetables. Aside from taste, they are also looking for foods that will benefit their overall health such as those containing fewer calories or added vitamins and minerals. They are also keen on buying food products that contain superfood ingredients and those that come with clean labels.

How are you developing products for future consumer’s preferences?

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Plant-Based Eating Makes Consumers Feel Healthier

A new wave of health consciousness has become ingrained within American culture. Over half of U.S. consumers have started plant-based eating as they are under the impression that it makes them healthier. A majority of consumers have also said that this change was indefinite and some were hindered from making this change because of taste preference.

This new trend has promoted a healthier America, which will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world. Plant-based eating also supports new opportunities for growth in the market for food. Research has shown that these changes are more than simple experimentation and has instead resulted in a new way of life for many consumers.

New Products Follow the Health Trend

These results are not outlandish as there is increasing support for plant-based eating. Companies are beginning to follow consumer health trends and have started to release more plant-based products. About 1/5 of Americans eat a diet consisting of predominantly plant-based foods, while 6/10 have stated that they reduced the amount of meat that they eat.

Plant-Based Eating is for Flexitarians

While in the United States more than half of all consumers are beginning to eat and drink more foods that are plant-based, that number increases to over 65% globally. In addition to this, many people are also decreasing the amount of meat they are eating. Over half say that this change is a permanent one.

People have many reasons for their reduction or outright stopping of the consumption of animal products. Some include wanting to affect the environment positively. Others believe that a meat-free diet is much healthier, some people want to limit the amount of cholesterol they intake, and even still some people prefer the taste of meat-free products.

With each passing year, the number of vegans and vegetarians are increasing in America. A study in 2017 found that about 6% of Americans reported being vegan, while in 2014, that number was only 1%. Again, many people have their reasoning, but it is undeniable that there has been a shift in the way Americans eat. Many people no longer consume animal products at all, something that would be considered odd only a few years ago. However, the growth in flexitarianism and plant-based eating is growing quicker than veganism or vegetarianism because of the stigmas that come with those words.

In 2017, sales of non-meat-based foods were up to over $3 billion, while only a year ago, it was less than $1 billion.

Taste is NOT an Issue

One major concern of many consumers is the difference in taste. However, in recent years there have been many advancements to make plant-based foods much more appealing to the taste preferences of meat lovers. Shoppers are in awe at the taste of plant-based burgers and other meats which they believe to have an even better flavor than their meaty counterparts.

Even large-scale meat companies are beginning to buy into vegan-friendly companies. Tyson Foods, as well as Dean Foods, have both since invested in small stakes in different plant-based companies. It is very probable that this trend will continue, and large-scale companies will adapt to the needs and wants of the modern consumer.

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Tyson’s Top Food Trends to Watch in 2019

Tyson Foods is predicting trends that they believe will dominate the consumer market and mold tastes for the entire year of 2019. This list includes transparency in food, personalized experiences to shape both beauty and health, smart technology and food, self-expression through the foods we consume, a higher intake of protein, and finally a merging of global cuisines from the comfort of home.

As the largest food company in the U.S. Tyson Foods takes full responsibility to push the market into a good position. They understand their ability to bring about new changes and trends in the way that people eat food.

Health Craze

Part of personalized experience would be foods with the intent to assist with different health issues. While previously this entailed having to take supplements, people are beginning to instead eat with specific purposes in mind to become healthier.

Consumers have also been very conscious of how much protein they will intake. Plant-based proteins have been all the craze and companies have been popping up to meet the ever-growing demand for clean proteins. Investors are also looking to buy into more startups geared towards this new plant-based mindset.

Sustainability and Traceability in Top Food Trends for 2019

Consumers in 2019 are concerned about knowing exactly how their food gets onto their shelves. This includes the process of production, as well as how it gets grown. With improved barcodes, consumers can more easily trace back where their foods came from. This is something Tyson Foods fully embraces and has been very open about their products.

Major retailer, Walmart will soon begin to require its produce suppliers to have full traceability on all products to follow the food from farm to home. This change is set to be complete by September of 2019. This technology is still relatively new but has the purpose of giving consumers full knowledge of their products as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Food has become a form of self-expression with the younger generation. This has turned food into both an art form as well as a way to express yourself. People are always looking for new companies they can buy into and feel proud to support. These can include companies who stress the importance of sustainability as well as food waste.

Global Cuisines

Millennials are all for trying foods from around the world. These often stand out, and they are more likely to try out restaurants with unique and exciting meals, other than options more customary to American culture.

With a technology-driven world, it is only reasonable that even food is affected by it. From transparency to sustainability, and new alternatives, companies are finding new ways to adopt practices for the production of food products, that will both cater towards the consumer desires, as well push for a greener, and healthier way of living, while still staying true to the passion for unique and flavorful meals.

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